Book/Printed Material [Henry Ridinger]
Image 1 of [Henry Ridinger] FORM A Ciroumstanoes of Interview Rv E Wilson NAME OF WORM ub4 DATE Note 6 1938 or L4 DJ 4DDRaish0M110110 SUBJECT Foaitrip 1 Name and address of informant Henry Ridinger N 16th…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 2 of [Henry Ridinger] FORM B Personal History of Informant NAME OF WORKERALMA ilica ADAMS DATE Oct 64 1938 NA AND ADDRI1 OF INFORMANT SXTJECT North Platte Folklore He Ridinfers North Platte 1 Anoestry 2 Place…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 3 of [Henry Ridinger] FORM B Personal History of Informant NOE OF WORKER RUVTI2414 ADDRESS 22ttte 1938 NA Vr AND ADDRFS OF INFORMANT North Platte SUBJECT Folklore Hanr Rid infers North Platte 1 Ancestry 2 Place…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 4 of [Henry Ridinger] FOiM C Text of Interview Umeditod RUhT Wilson NAME OF WORKERADDRESt North Platte DATE Oot 51 18E8 NAM OF WORKER SUBJECT Folklore Henry Ridingerl North Platte I was born in 1851 Counoil…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 5 of [Henry Ridinger] and I went out to make up beoeme He lived with his son In Bowers and I went over there I moved my broom madhines where 1 got the broom corn Bowers…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 6 of [Henry Ridinger] A fellow shot at me down in Arisona I had long hair black and curly Billy the kid was just about lj inches taller than me and thlory said I looked like…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 7 of [Henry Ridinger] Theyd raid aver into Kans and there was a man by name of Jamison balled a busheacker and he run them book into Mo and kill somebody or have a hangint and…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 8 of [Henry Ridinger] We crippled and killed so many of gem and so many horses we finally got away from them and they run us till we got into a bunch of friendly Indiums Omahas…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 9 of [Henry Ridinger] but they 1mph hong right around the same vountry Neither ane of lem lit out One day Wild Bill was drinkint at the bar and he looked up and seen Joe MeGall…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 10 of [Henry Ridinger] I got marrie gain to Lena Walker in 1887 the year I oome up here ky first wife only lived 6 or 8 years we had ene child a boy Fred he…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05
Image 11 of [Henry Ridinger] I swam the Mo River when it was half mile wide when Iwas 10 years old lbaast Hinman road overseer now It dont take muoh wort but they made me overseer Tbsy…
- Contributor: Wilson, Ruby E., Includes Interviews With African Americans - Rindinger, Henry
- Date: 1938-10-05