Book/Printed Material [Harlem]
Image 1 of [Harlem]
Dare to be a Devil Forms to be Filled out for Each interview FORM A Circumstances of Interview STATE New York NALE OF WORKER Vtvisn Morris ADDRESS 225 W 1Vabh Stroot DLTE June 29 1939 SUBJECT Harlem…- Contributor: Morris, Vivian
- Date: 1939-06-29
Image 2 of [Harlem]
Dare to be a Devil STATE NAME OF WORKER ADDRESS DATE SUBJECT FORM C TEXT OF INTERVIEW UNEDITED New Yds Vivian Morris 225 Wo 130th Street June 29 1989 Harlem DARE TO BE A DEVIL Standing by…- Contributor: Morris, Vivian
- Date: 1939-06-29
Image 3 of [Harlem]
Dare to be a Devil Yeah memo we ain been doin so well in this here coat le dress job An I kin say ft m qvown personl experience us culled people sin been doin so well…- Contributor: Morris, Vivian
- Date: 1939-06-29
Image 4 of [Harlem]
Dare to be a Devil I knows Ihe worth more I knows every job on my finger tips an I even holm others how t do the job but I sin never got no thence an I…- Contributor: Morris, Vivian
- Date: 1939-06-29
Image 5 of [Harlem]
Dare to be a Devil 4 ther_s lotsa wuk an its gettin busy an the foreman is gohna be on a vacation No main you knows this am fair t us but whata y gonna do huh…- Contributor: Morris, Vivian
- Date: 1939-06-29