Manuscript/Mixed Material [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Image 1 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country words EDITORIAL FIELD COPY by Mrs Florence Angermiller Pioneer Experienses of it Sheepaan in a Cattle CountrX UVALDN COUNTTOpTR IC T 10 Page 1 le PART ONE MARTIN HSNRY KILGORE Wald Texas…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 2 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Yoneer txperienees M H Kilgore Peg a ass When I name to FIri Antonio in 181 it WAS the end of the reiireed then I weni into the 4heee trading I lento…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 3 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country flioneer experiences M M Kilgore Page 3 232 iota of fun out of watching them run One time after we gut to an Antonio we left Olt Pack there in a big…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 4 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Aoneer experiences e H Kilgore Page 4 a32 But I only mete these few shipments I took four cerloeas of nuleu to Arkansas from Jan Antonio once an6i trete them for cettle…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 5 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country cdioneer cxperisuceit Yllgore Tiige 5 Z32 lake covred ebout en etre or two but when those anite7 ron into it you coultnt see any water at all They jufit clovimed it They…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 6 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Pioneer hxperiences M U Kilgore Vega 6 2321Fh with the lumber eat put three wagons in the river ant seece4 them the length of the lieteer end it reeohei cleer across My…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 7 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country enimr Mxperienees M 11 Kilgore Page 7 23U and lmmbs the couldnt travel end they took the others to Pagano Pass so 1 turned about war of my flock over to iJinay…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 8 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Pioneer txperieneei Me H Kilgore Itga 8 832 was peeuliar the way I would travel and think I had gone about a half mile when I dont suppose I would go over…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 9 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Pioneer Experiences Me He Kilgore Page 9 232 but bow long will you want me to stay with them He said he would et someone thore as rppidly as possible I have…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 10 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country ioneer Experiences M H Kilgore Page 10 L32 in and wanted to know whet the hell I was doing in there with sheen 1 snw was outnumLored so I resorted to stratagem…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence
Image 11 of [Martin Henry Kilgore]
Pioneer Experiences of a Sheepman in a Cattle Country Pioneer Experiences M H Kilgore Page 11 232 originrtors of this skeme but psheW we werent in it We found where en errengement hP4tbeenmade with a buneh of men from Silver City…- Contributor: Kilgore, Martin Henry - Angermiller, Florence