Book/Printed Material [Sam James Washington]
Image 1 of [Sam James Washington] Uoutlierelcion F 4ngelore larlaint no Distsk7 Page 1 PC 240 m Tomestphingtomsea living et 3520 Columbus AmmotOrt WorthAexospwan vrn e slavm to am Youngvin 1849 Young ownedde plontetion end els P cattle…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 2 of [Sam James Washington] OputhiorZ1eldon g hengelwA Trrrent CoDist47 long de Colorpdo dem urite boys cent tree of Aims oullud fellows lifts me Jø Young end Jim end ell of weuns em reized on de Mer7terls…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 3 of [Sam James Washington] ltrrr dpt din rrPW P rlert ttwolrt Mot jrcP Ilat s lure uoul rve Pg4n be tnG by p F rluthlZ1t plPon ri I s Lrngeloreoe to titirt14SGPcb473tNComp on Plos o Pogo…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 4 of [Sam James Washington] GrutlIprneldon g 4ngelore woAist 7 Pege 4 de old J Hattest of oe time weurs could tell viten e stomp em Twin to trke nleoe flom PP buster As bete e bed…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 5 of [Sam James Washington] Grutimr don 11rnge7ore 44rrent o411t 7 Pogo 5 PC 240 int crn be beebed to mote er e mile LvervtIng em gwine Pretty t11 all 1 suddenJOOM4olesk comes de tunder n it…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 6 of [Sam James Washington] GrutIllerZheldor 4 lerrent roteristp4 P19 VA 6 C 240 drerin or de rrng fo dem lien twos on17 Wen e dc drt weuns gets to CO cuckbritltrs In de monin befo wPuns…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 7 of [Sam James Washington] GoutOterLeldon Page 4 7 9ngelore 240 irrront wolk pm sleek oe boys am doinl sometin all de time to muse demselves De Pm shoottnivor loopinlor ridinl Igrinet snob tudder In de hross…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 8 of [Sam James Washington] Csutbierholdon angelore iprrnnt Go itted 7 Ps PC 240 ploften goes atddemebut dis oullud person elweye lee de plzen fluid 1 terster Young elways evised me not to drink 1 gets lots…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 9 of [Sam James Washington] g ivrtngelorn Tprrrnt Page 9 n 240 his gun eng em steping towerts me les gettini reedv to amok im en det stare would been de fixiri o me An Les hoer…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 10 of [Sam James Washington] Gruthieriheldon F iArnelore Trrrant GoListiosii Page 10 FC 240 Oulf country L as de oheneal Pierce outfi en tvis s aWful big outfit IA yok wr bout an semeseept tiler am moie…
- Contributor: Washington, Sam James - Gauthier, Sheldon F.
- Date: 1941-02-11