Manuscript/Mixed Material [Gaston Fergenson]
Image 1 of [Gaston Fergenson] r e7401 authter 6haljon f KaaLelora arrant coDistd7 iage al PC 240 tiaeton rergenson 771iving at 4C6 Florence St Port WorthTexas waa born in Hamilton co junta 181E61 His father Gaston rergensonSr…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 2 of [Gaston Fergenson] authierheldaa r Page 2 ancelore F 240 Tarrant comist 47 Aafl egotles ac grin So fro the land ve iet cur suplit of meal 1LL flour t was L4oeible to starve us…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 3 of [Gaston Fergenson] Gauthicrohei6onfF YanLeloree tarlant coQist17 Page 4 rc 240 I had ever lit hands on azii it felt 2light big Uhen look clz on gettng a ab i reckm aul r d All…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 4 of [Gaston Fergenson] f Lament coolialist7 kaze 7 240 We flopped a critter by putting a rope on one of its front feet Py throwni the rpe on a freat foot the animal would triTed…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 5 of [Gaston Fergenson] Gputhier6helden 1 tice if 5 Rvngelore FC 240 UrrlInt co10ist117 jobs Ow hunch erN kept busy watcilng for straying critters rid theia to the range Others were kept more or less usy…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 6 of [Gaston Fergenson] aKe 5 4 Tervaht assign lg to 1Z wadies to lAitice up waJt uas e lied t e swik crews L would faske sveral f these crews zle ufould deAghate the 6iCIA…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 7 of [Gaston Fergenson] G uthiert4heldon t langelores 4arrant ceQistd7 tYe seed4 Itne 4 A711ed a Page n FC 240 LOU at tup 46A lead silk that resulted in a race Sr 7 d c rEICO…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 8 of [Gaston Fergenson] urvtiert3heldn eloro arrant co131st7 Page A FC 240 would atry now and then gy the time the next roundup was an ortl 1c he 7 lot of strqys mixecl with each herd…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 9 of [Gaston Fergenson] 41rzian P4u 2arcelore CAC Thrrt ceLne vegot es aud black coffee I t of Aul Lbn8 often arid 13 treattxnt of us waddles 9 VII J 4d vit a o2 A Ley…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 10 of [Gaston Fergenson] ittreLicii 21 i4440ape0it tfle rc c c 1n vicous hse owlet Cit and Ill use teir tusk to eat Itll aild tear alvtill4g AAL their tusk or bea c41ce cel quickly or…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 11 of [Gaston Fergenson] rlictiAerelcon 1 ore cerrrLt coOist Page 11 PC 240 a nonber of the boast fell dead while the rest rah away ft 1ws heard fie kihea I et out the first oellow…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 12 of [Gaston Fergenson] GRutideretiheition 10 Page 142 teuegelore FC 240 Tarrant co iti 1 Lot on to a trick which_ enabled to bcst a furicus steer out shootine it 014 of us waddies would eiJ07…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 13 of [Gaston Fergenson] UauthierShe don ir Page irl3 iiungeloro PC 240 arrant coIpRistO7 In the 1704 arid 113011 San Angelo vovided all the citfferent Unds of amuselAnt a fellow night wish for the joints ran…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 14 of [Gaston Fergenson] 41414eo011141 Al F oro Tarrint coDiot FC D40 ri alma shoopx caws Ante the Tom ureen oft range section tilerc took daceaciac none fightAg LA obected to the shetkbeoause the animnls spoiled…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 15 of [Gaston Fergenson] GAuthieribheldon 1 Page m lb Rengeloreqpitftga PC 940 4rrart welllet 417 eheepmen out fter a number of then were found hanged to e tree Jn soe sections of the range aJicere took…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 16 of [Gaston Fergenson] kauthier400heAcoL k mhgelores Tarrsnt Page 1 16 re 246 outfits beau reconciiecito the drift twice the rustlers occasionally would cut che fence to drift stolen cattle through lAow the rustAer trouble 1…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 17 of [Gaston Fergenson] ant1iitrLiileld011 24 Age 27 Itaugelores FC 240 Tarrant cos oisto7 14 t war eC t1_1C jrvisicL as 1Lcod in 041i 3i rac13rs ax d oa the aheriff and _omafleu Illarrito44 11c WiczIff…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 18 of [Gaston Fergenson] tiderLheidon ki Few it 18 Rilagelore FC 410 warmnt costdidel The hciwine ofCrrition checked tte rustlitt in our Sections te t_eivee becalm fused al out rustling In our territory when Vex thmkht…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 19 of [Gaston Fergenson] authierfidhe1don Vw rosngeloreel Tarrant coDist47 about 60 feet to the tox 8 iert teAnd t7e tri77er rn in 2relmen to nwLv Protter etel GO ilige FC 240 right of the hese e…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston
Image 20 of [Gaston Fergenson] uttler heiiw e rrant Pau passing under tre 131 lwaped the panther leaine on you out of that eott5rzood t 10 I just U auat say this shot In orter made ipmi4…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Fergenson, Gaston