Manuscript/Mixed Material [Lois Newman]
Image 1 of [Lois Newman] Gauthierihelden Sangelore Tarrant CO DistT7 Page 240 Lois owilaa43811vIna at 3133 Green 4ort WorthTexasewao aorn 44o 191SWOin Cook ooTaxason farm Ho learned to ride a hers while he was in his early…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 2 of [Lois Newman] Gauthereheldon Itangeloree 7rrant korDistop t7 Plage OS FC 240 miles frmGillette yolocrted on Thunder reek Gillette was then our nearest ton and our trading and shipping nint The ranch is owned by…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 3 of [Lois Newman] 0euihierdhe don S Page t2 ungelers PC 240 Tarrant 06Distsaf part of the crew would be required to do naht riding Out side of the times during stormy weatherothe only night riding…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 4 of [Lois Newman] Gauthierdheldn arrant Comist047 Page 4 PC 240 cresebecauve we bad such large area to cover 0111toelini fivz ey7 Oscar we th7 foreman of one crew and Oscar vim the foreman of the…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 5 of [Lois Newman] thissheldon 4 47neelore Tarrant eowDist47 Ingo YIS Fe 240 eiandling Hereford cattle ie not a difficult job ad acording to that I Wive 4een told by old rewhidessit is with play comparedhandling…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 6 of [Lois Newman] iklutherholdOA Page t6 Aangelore FC 240 rrnt ColActiodi ale cattle scattered in every direction and in that stromesith ahigh gale blowingitno impossioel to follow the animals Visibility was redrioed to about 60…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 7 of [Lois Newman] trtuthier bh ldon ngelore TarrantCo Dist27 Bege 7 PC 240 and bro en to the saddle dr ng ther fourth year The first step in area in a horse war to rope…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 8 of [Lois Newman] Gaithier4heldon Pip 13 Aangeleres FC 240 arrant Coslasto1 interfered cervical nerves nervating the neck muscelsolaUch rerulted in a TrJrtial paralysis of certain neck unsettle heno SO long as the paralysis esietediand it…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 9 of [Lois Newman] aaathler4heldon Warrant t4mist0 mot animals uould do when apull on its tail vas feltioa 7110 siele injuy could reeat form a spill To prevent the horse from kickingsmbilo we mere palling the…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 10 of [Lois Newman] 0 Gautherzholden aage lO ithgelore ec 24C r ant CooDist01 have just related the method I maims vasel dif_erent from the rystem wood by the early dny wrsnglorodtich uas to tope a…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11
Image 11 of [Lois Newman] Gauthiorbheldon F ngelore arrant CooDletwa7 Awe al PC 240 and had the leverage of its entire bogy The steer pulling uith rope around its peck Ad not have the leverage and uouldbeplaled…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Newman, Lois
- Date: 1941-02-11