Manuscript/Mixed Material [W. E. Oglesby]
Image 1 of [W. E. Oglesby] 44 aifhier1131don anroloro L1 0 1 F140flesby751ivne nt rimfi ort orthexea born Dec 111863in coZennot his Mthericilaohn Oplosbyfarm John Oplesbyozith his C 111y ned a train o imArrntscosistin 18 Itmiliest L1 came…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 2 of [W. E. Oglesby] Gauthier ldon F Page 2 AangelOrp PC 040 Atrrant woDist17 covered gone which left for piltee Uovt of the mites were 20anicitisons There were a couple of the families were fro Ais…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 3 of [W. E. Oglesby] Gauthier iheldes go fa 4ngelore 240 tnrrant coevirt 47 viam competed to take abost eat travel down theriverthen baoh up the semioirele to a landing place wi the trait 2he entire train…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 4 of [W. E. Oglesby] JanthierQheldone aneelore Warrant co461st0 2age f4 Fe 240 Until we arrived in Mr Indian Territerynow Okla we did not see tny sinister looking ivrtitiesbut thereafter parties of 1 613ns werc seen freggenty…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 5 of [W. E. Oglesby] 4autrlierviJhelden Pagef5 aLpeLore 240 7rrant f7 he ikxt day we tore campingwalting for the mud to dry Weed for cookinrbeeame a problem Zech on earriedimergeney purpose Out the sunply gave out and…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 6 of [W. E. Oglesby] Gouthier3heldo iTe 6 Rangelore PC 240 arrant CoAlvt47 Tilye was Just Ha few 4usiness houses in tort ortheat the time wo arrived and they were elAltered around 1alat is now thdi hotice…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 7 of [W. E. Oglesby] tintthieri4eLdon k elorie rrant 44Dist pap 7 n240 A pee 0181r trait o1 the Indians was the they vouLl all dienenear by darkebut would be in evidence ThinAng of ma Vflialo horns…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 8 of [W. E. Oglesby] Gauthierdheiden ilangolore 4arrtnt Ayloisti7 Page 08 PC 240 de there was an intense parliamentary battle being fought at tin over adjournment On the out come of the narliamentar7 fight hunp ti le…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 9 of [W. E. Oglesby] 0authiare4holdon ego t9 nangelore C 240 arrant oeist1047 hoe a tails armer and Zerandia were not the wily ones that cunilbut aStor runninp a pieeeInd bearing nothing more thin the steam rmpniagetliey…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 10 of [W. E. Oglesby] Jauthierahelden 1 golores tarrant CooDistitF1 Page AO FC 240 There was a barrel of water eettingin the space betzoen rimes store and the adjacent building ant that brrel of water az uhet…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 11 of [W. E. Oglesby] aelithiereiAseldes arrant Page 11 zC 24 The officer etristedt may Ilve been a blu to traw ia gun hen the officers rind movel temard t gun e0ain hit him flush on the…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 12 of [W. E. Oglesby] 4nuthierJbelden Page i12 inagelore 2C Tarrant ovIdist14 240 I tvas walking on iouston St on day and saira co boy throw a trou around n negro c neckthen rode off t a…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 13 of [W. E. Oglesby] 11 Page 15 FG 240 1tl trnh110n Fs relores A nt CooDistopir trailed behind4 Black cof ee au a1 made and rendj for all Who wanted eonr at a47 times Ve 411…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 14 of [W. E. Oglesby] 4ntfthierdhe don t_frant CDisteT Peke A4 I 240 t6 ranchmon inetruct31 the wAddlec to eioot te sheep heir ides rne to ecare the eheepemn off and erevent the ranrefrom i eir Bootie…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 15 of [W. E. Oglesby] tnieromhaidon e Lomge orii tnrraat Coloaist age Ott3g orlh or 116 lie flat oft t prelna 11 men on each vice vere eotinp at the eoet 1mmthey knew an opponint wqs doe…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.
Image 16 of [W. E. Oglesby] A thieri41oldon 2age 16 4onFelores PC 240 or day ow7er the 7st mess mailed by n runthfA I ever wfitched v7e a ets7tpede b7 3000 head of the jrur 5ix eattle lath…
- Contributor: Gauthier, Sheldon F. - Oglesby, W. E.