PREMIS (Preservation Metadata, Data Dictionary Maintenance Activity)
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PREMIS OWL Ontology for PREMIS Data Dictionary version 3

PREMIS is based on a data model that defines the entities that are described (Objects, Events, Agents and Rights), the properties of those entities (semantic units), and relationships between them.  The PREMIS OWL ontology provides an RDF encoding reflecting that model. This revised version replaces the earlier PREMIS OWL ontology, which was based on version 2.2.

The PREMIS OWL Ontology Revision Working Group, appointed by the PREMIS Editorial Committee, worked on the ontology between early 2016 and September 2018. This revision is based on the PREMIS Data Dictionary, version 3.0 and has substantially remodeled the previous ontology, incorporating emerging Linked Data best practices and connections to other relevant RDF ontologies, e.g. PROV-O(Provenance ontology), Dublin Core metadata terms,and preservation vocabularies at, among others.

PREMIS OWL specification documents:

Steps and documents that support the use of the ontology:

Additional resources:

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