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Notice: The Young Readers Center & Programs Lab will be closed on Saturday, August 24, and Saturday, September 14, due to special programs.

First Floor

Thomas Jefferson Building, First Floor

First Floor Overview

The building is rectangular. Please refer to the Ground Floor Plan for directions to the entrance.

The Great Hall has two staircases to the Second Floor, one to the north and one to the south. The staircases separate the Great Hall North (Family Room) and Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room) from the Great Hall. There are three arches leading to the back of the Great Hall and the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room. Researcher resources and Reading Rooms are located on the east side of the building.

The directions to visitor locations of interest on the First Floor assume you are in the Great Hall, facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room. In the directions below, symbols are placed after certain location names to indicate closure and restriction updates.

These directions were last updated June 2024.


Main Reading Room Information Desk

The Main Reading Room Information Desk is only accessible by navigating through the Ground Floor, please refer to Elevators and Stairs directions for access to the Ground Floor. Please note that even after obtaining a Reader Card, coats are not allowed in the Reading Rooms. Refer to the Ground Floor Plan for Cloakroom (Coat Check) directions.

These directions assume you are starting navigation from the First Floor Researcher Elevators on the east side of the building.

Directions to Main Reading Room Information Desk

  1. After exiting the elevator, it may be necessary to turn right or left to navigate to the area between the two elevators. If you reach a turn in the hall, you have traveled too far.
  2. When you reach the Microform and Electronics Resource Center between the two elevators, turn to face away from the resource center.
  3. Walk forward to reach the Main Reading Room Information Desk on the opposite side of the hallway as the Microform and Electronics Resource Center.

Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room

Navigation to Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room Researchers

The Main Reading Room is located on the First Floor in the center of the building with an entrance from the Great Hall to the west and an entrance by Reader Card Registration in the east. The Great Hall entrance to the Main Reading Room is currently closed; navigation to the Main Reading Room is currently accessible through the Ground Floor. Please refer to Ground Floor Plan Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room directions to access the Main Reading Room. Please refer to the Elevators and Stairs directions to access the Ground Floor.


Wheelchair Accessible Restrooms Wheelchair Accessible

Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on the Ground Floor. If you require a wheelchair accessible restroom, please refer to the Ground Floor Plan Restrooms section for directions. The Ground Floor is accessible using the elevators or stairs to the Ground Floor. Please refer to the Elevators and Stairs section for directions to the Ground Floor.

Men’s Restroom Wheelchair Accessible Researchers

A wheelchair accessible Men’s Restroom is located on the First Floor in the southwest corner of the building, past the Lyric Poetry Room, at the end of the hallway. This area is typically restricted to Members of Congress and Registered Readers to the Asian Reading Room.  

Directions to Men’s Wheelchair Accessible Restroom

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Turn right and walk forward past three supporting pillars on your left to continue underneath the south staircase. Be cautious of freestanding temporary exhibits.
  3. After passing the third supporting pillar, you will be in the Lyric Poetry Room.
  4. Navigate around any freestanding exhibits, continuing south through the room to the hallway.
  5. Proceed forward down the hallway. The wheelchair accessible men’s restroom is located straight ahead. Be cautious of any freestanding coat racks on the right side of the hallway.

Women’s Restroom Wheelchair Accessible

A Women’s Restroom is located after the columns in the Great Hall on the First Floor in the west side of the building. It is not wheelchair accessible. If a wheelchair accessible restroom is needed, please refer to the Ground Floor Plan. Restroom section for directions to a wheelchair accessible restroom. The Ground Floor is accessible using the elevators or stairs to the Ground Floor. Please refer to the Elevators and Stairs section for directions to the Ground Floor.

Directions to Women’s Restroom

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Pass through the arch and immediately turn right and walk forward past the supporting pillars on your right.
  3. Proceed forward and navigate around any freestanding exhibits. The Women’s Restroom will be straight ahead.

Elevators and Stairs

Stairs to Ground Floor

Stairs to the Ground Floor level are located on the First Floor in the west side of the building under the north and south staircases that lead to the Second Floor mezzanine from the Great Hall.

Directions to the North Stairs to the Ground Floor

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn left. The supporting pillars should be to your left.
  3. Proceed forward towards the Librarian’s Ceremonial Office, but turn left before going through the doorway, placing The Librarian’s Ceremonial Office on your right.
  4. Proceed forward. The North Stairs to the Ground Floor are straight ahead.
  5. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs. Please descend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic. Descend down one flight of stairs to reach the first landing.
  6. Turn right to descend to the area by the Tunnel Information Desk or turn left to descend to the area by the Ground Floor Main Entrance.
  7. Continue forward and descend the second flight of stairs to the Ground Floor.

Directions to the South Stairs to the Ground Floor

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Turn right and walk forward past two supporting pillars on your left to continue underneath the south staircase.
  3. Turn right after passing the second supporting pillar and proceed forward. The South Stairs to the Ground Floor are straight ahead.
  4. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs. Please descend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic. Descend down one flight of stairs to reach the first landing.
  5. Turn right to descend to the area by the Ground Floor Main Entrance.
  6. Continue forward and descend the second flight of stairs to the Ground Floor.

Stairs to Second Floor

North and South Staircases to the Second Floor mezzanine are located on the First Floor in the west side of the building to the north and south of the Great Hall. The first landing of both the north and south staircases grant access between the Great Hall and the Great Hall North (Family Room) and Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room) respectively.

Directions to the North Staircase to the Second Floor

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, turn left to face north at the Great Hall North (Family Room) of the Great Hall.
  2. Proceed forward to reach the North Staircase to the Second Floor.
  3. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs. Please ascend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic. Ascend up one flight of stairs to reach the first landing and turn right.
  4. Ascend the second flight of stairs to reach a second landing. Continue forward and ascend the third flight of stairs to the third landing.
  5. Turn left and proceed forward to ascend the fourth flight of stairs, reaching the north corridor of the Second Floor.

Directions to South Staircase to Second Floor

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, turn right to face south at the Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room) of the Great Hall.
  2. Proceed forward to reach the South Staircase to the Second Floor.
  3. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs. Please ascend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic. Ascend up one flight of stairs to reach the first landing and turn left.
  4. Ascend the second flight of stairs to reach a second landing. Continue forward and ascend the third flight of stairs to the third landing.
  5. Turn right and proceed forward to ascend the fourth flight of stairs, reaching the south corridor of the Second Floor.

Visitor Elevators

Visitor Elevators are located on the First Floor in the west side of the building near the closed entrance for the Main Reading Room on the south side of Great Hall. The elevator grants access to the Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor, and the Main Reading Room Gallery level where visitors can observe the Main Reading Room from above. When exiting the Main Reading Room Gallery, use the north visitor elevator to maintain the flow of traffic.

Directions to Visitor Elevators

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room proceed forward until you reach the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room.
  2. Turn left to face the north Visitor Elevator or turn right to face the south Visitor Elevator. Proceed forward to reach the Visitor Elevator.

Researcher Stairs and Elevators

Researcher Stairs and Elevators are located on the First Floor in the east side of the building parallel to 2nd St SE. They are only accessible through the Ground Floor. The Researcher Stairs and Elevators are necessary for reaching Reader Card Registration, and other researcher resources. Please refer to the Ground Floor Plan Researcher Stairs and Elevators section for directions.

Visitor Locations of Interest

The Great Hall

The Great Hall is located on the First Floor in the west side of the building.

Library Shop in Great Hall North (Family Room)

The Library Shop is located on the First Floor in the Great Hall North and Great Hall South.  

The Great Hall North (Family Room) is located on the First Floor in the west side of the building near the north staircase that leads to the Second Floor mezzanine. It can be accessed from the Great Hall by ascending the north staircase then descending to the other side from the first landing or by navigating around and underneath the north staircase.

Directions to the Library Shop in the Great Hall North (Family Room)

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn left. The supporting pillars should be to your left.
  3. Proceed forward towards the Librarian’s Ceremonial Office, but turn left before going through the doorway. The Librarian’s Ceremonial Office should be to your right.
  4. Continue forward and turn right when you reach the stairs to the Ground Floor.
  5. Continue forward into the Library Shop in the Great Hall North.

Library Ship in the Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room)

The Library Shop is located on the First Floor in the Great Hall North and Great Hall South.  

The Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room) is located on the First Floor in the west side of the building near the south staircase that leads to the Second Floor mezzanine. It can be accessed from the Great Hall by ascending the south staircase then descending to the other side from the first landing or by navigating around and underneath the south staircase.

Directions to the Library Shop in the Great Hall South (Lyric Poetry Room)

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Turn right and walk forward past three supporting pillars on your left to continue underneath the south staircase. Be cautious of freestanding temporary exhibits.
  3. After passing the third supporting pillar, you will be in the Library Shop in the Great Hall South.

Gutenberg Bible

The Gutenberg Bible is located after the arches in the Great Hall on the First Floor in the west side of the building in a freestanding squared display case.

Directions to Gutenberg Bible

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn right. The supporting pillars should be to your right.
  3. Proceed forward to reach the Gutenberg Bible freestanding squared display case on the left.

Librarian’s Ceremonial Office

The Librarian’s Ceremonial Office is located after the arches in the Great Hall on the First Floor in the west side of the building. The entrance leads into a small section of the office that is enclosed by a wooden barrier preventing visitors from fully entering while allowing them to view inside the office.

Directions to Librarian’s Ceremonial Office

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn left. The supporting pillars should be to your left.
  3. Proceed forward to reach the Librarian’s Ceremonial Office

Researcher and Staff Locations of Interest

Researcher Entrance to the Main Reading Room Researchers

The Main Reading Room is located on the First Floor in the center of the building. The Great Hall entrance to the Main Reading Room is currently closed; the Main Reading Room is currently accessible through the Ground Floor. Please refer to Ground Floor Plan Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room directions to access the Main Reading Room. Please refer to the Elevators and Stairs directions to access the Ground Floor.

Asian Reading Room Researchers

The Asian Reading Room is located on the First Floor in the southwest corner of the building, past the Lyric Poetry Room, at the end of the hallway.

Directions to Asian Reading Room

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Turn right and walk forward past three supporting pillars on your left to continue underneath the south staircase. Be cautious of freestanding temporary exhibits.
  3. After passing the third supporting pillar, you will be in the Lyric Poetry Room.
  4. Navigate around any freestanding exhibits, continuing south through the room to the hallway.
  5. Proceed forward down the hallway. Be cautious of any freestanding coat racks on the right side of the hallway.
  6. At the end of the hall, turn left and continue forward to reach the Asian Reading Room.

Researcher’s Training Center

The Researcher’s Training Center is located on the First Floor in the east side of the building near Reader Card Registration. It is only accessible to staff and from the Ground Floor. Please refer to the Ground Floor Plan Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room section for directions to researcher resources from the Ground Floor.

The following directions assume you are starting navigation from the Researcher Elevators on the First Floor in the east side of the building.

Directions to Researcher’s Training Center

  1. After exiting the elevator, turn left and proceed forward to the end of the hallway
  2. Before reaching a doorway, turn left then continue forward to the end of the hallway.
  3. The Researcher's Training Center is at the end of the hallway.

Microform and Electronics Resource Center Researchers

The Microform and Electronics Resource Center is located on the First Floor in the east side of the building near Reader Card Registration. It is only accessible from the Researcher Stairs and Elevators on the east side of the Ground Floor. Please refer to the Ground Floor Plan Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room section for directions to researcher resources from the Ground Floor.

The following directions assume you are starting navigation from the Researcher Elevators on the First Floor in the east side of the building.

Directions Microform and Electronics Resource Center

  1. After exiting the elevator, it may be necessary to turn right or left to navigate to the Microform and Electronics Resource Center between the two elevators. If you reach a turn in the hall, you have traveled too far.
  2. The Microform and Electronics Resource Center is located between the two elevators through an open doorway.

Children’s Literature Center (Appointment Only) Researchers

The Children's Literature Center is located on the First Floor in the northeast side of the building. It is only available by appointment. It is only accessible from the Researcher Stairs and Elevators on the east side of the Ground Floor. Please refer to the Ground Floor Plan Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room section for directions to researcher resources from the Ground Floor.

The following directions assume you are starting navigation from the Researcher Elevators on the First Floor in the east side of the building.

Directions to Children’s Literature Center

  1. After exiting the elevator, turn right and proceed forward to the end of the hallway
  2. Proceed forward through the doorway and continue to the end of the hallway
  3. Continue through the doorway at the end of the hallway. The Children's Literature Center will be the double doors immediately to the right.

Meeting Rooms (#110-113)

Meeting Rooms are located on the First Floor in the northwest side of the building, in the hallway past the Great Hall North (Family Room). This area is typically reserved for staff.

Directions to Meeting Rooms

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn left. The supporting pillars should be to your left.
  3. Proceed forward towards the Librarian’s Ceremonial Office, but turn left before going through the doorway, placing The Librarian’s Ceremonial Office on your right.
  4. Continue forward and turn right when you reach the stairs to the Ground Floor.
  5. Continue forward through the Family Room and into the hallway.
  6. Pass the first door on the left. Doors to Meeting Rooms are located on the left side of this hallway.

John W. Kluge Center

The John W. Kluge Center is located on the First Floor in the northwest side of the building, at the end of the hallway past the Great Hall North (Family Room) . This area is typically reserved for staff.

Directions to John W. Kluge Center

  1. While facing east towards the closed entrance to the Main Reading Room, proceed forward until you reach the opening under the center arch.
  2. Walk through the arch and immediately turn left. The supporting pillars should be to your left.
  3. Proceed forward towards the Librarian’s Ceremonial Office, but turn left before going through the doorway, placing The Librarian’s Ceremonial Office on your right.
  4. Continue forward and turn right when you reach the stairs to the Ground Floor.
  5. Continue forward through the Family Room and into the hallway.
  6. When you reach the end of the hallway make a slight right turn. The last door on the right is the entrance to the John W. Kluge Center.