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Notice: The Young Readers Center & Programs Lab will be closed on Saturday, August 24, and Saturday, September 14, due to special programs.

Ground Floor

Thomas Jefferson Building, Ground Floor

Ground Floor Overview

The building is rectangular. The Ground Floor entrance is located on the west side of the building, parallel to 1st St SE.

There is a continuous hallway that follows the perimeter of the entire Ground Floor and a central hallway that connects the Main Entrance to the east side of the Ground Floor.

The directions to locations of interest on the Ground Floor assume you are at the Main Entrance, facing east towards the Information Desk. In the directions below, symbols are placed after certain location names to indicate closure and restriction updates.

These directions were last updated June 2024.

Entrances and Exits

Visitor Entrance Wheelchair Accessible

The Visitor Entrance is located on the west side of the building where the road leading to the building from 1st St SE meets the building underneath the stairs to the First Floor entrance. This is the Main Entrance and is used for all visitors, researchers, scheduled appointments and groups.

All visitors must be screened by security upon entering the building through any entrance. Security is located immediately after entering. For additional information about the security screening process, please see Know Before You Go.

Directions to the Visitor Entrance

  1. Follow the sidewalks along the road that leads to the Main Entrance from 1st St SE.
  2. Proceed up wheelchair accessible ramps to the entrance doors when approaching from either side.
  3. At the top of the ramps are three doors to the building. The left-most door while facing the building is the Visitor Entrance reserved for visitors. If you are a Researcher, Event Guest, or Staff visiting the building with your I.D. card, please use the center door to enter the building.

Visitor Exit Wheelchair Accessible

The Visitor Exit is located on the west side of the building.

Directions to the Visitor Exit

  1. While facing east at the Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right.
  2. Navigate around the pillar to your right and stop turning when you are facing west.
  3. Proceed forward and pass the stairs to your left to reach security.
  4. At Security by the exit you will be required to open your bags for screening before passing through a metal detector.
  5. Proceed forward and use the doors to exit the building.
  6. Use the wheelchair accessible ramps to your left or right to reach the sidewalk of the road that leads to the building. Follow the road to reach the 1st St SE or Independence Ave sidewalks.


Cloakroom (Coat Check)

The Cloakroom (Coat Check) is located in the Ground Floor Main Entrance in the west side of the building.

Directions to the Cloakroom (Coat Check)

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right.
  2. Proceed forward and the Cloakroom (Coat Check) will be the first counter on your left.
  3. Ask for assistance in storing your coat and belongings with the Cloakroom (Coat Check).

Tunnel Information Desk

The Tunnel Information Desk is located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building just north of the Main Entrance. This is the first information desk most visitors will encounter.

After visitors pass through Security at the Main Entrance, they will enter into a room that uses low benches and velvet ropes to assist navigation. A visitor engagement representative will assist visitors in this room. The Tunnel Information Desk is to the right, just after passing the representative checking passes.

Directions to the Tunnel Information Desk

  1. While facing east at the Main Entrance Information Desk on the Ground Floor, turn left.
  2. Proceed forward down the hall. Continue past the stairs to your left and the Tunnel Information Desk will be immediately on the left after passing the stairs.

Main Entrance Information Desk

The Main Entrance Information Desk is located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building at the Main Entrance. Researchers and Staff entering through the Main Entrance will reach the Main Information Desk by continuing forward after passing through Security. Visitors will reach the Tunnel Information Desk first after passing through Security. Both desks serve all visitors to the Library of Congress.

Directions to the Main Information Desk as a Visitor

  1. After passing through Security navigate through the room using the velvet ropes and low benches arranged to assist navigation.
  2. A visitor engagement representative will ask to see your pass.
  3. Proceed forward and pass the Tunnel Information Desk on your right.
  4. When you reach the wall in front of you, turn right.
  5. Proceed forward. The Main Information Desk will be on your left after passing two doors and a throughway for the Main Entrance.

Directions to the Main Information Desk as a Researcher or Staff

  1. After passing through Security, continue forward to reach the Main Information Desk.


The ATM is located on the Ground Floor in the hallway just south of the Ground Floor Main Entrance.

Directions to the ATM

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right.
  2. Proceed forward and pass the Cloakroom (Coat Check) at the first counter on your left.
  3. The ATM is a free-standing booth on the left side of the hall.

Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room

Navigation to Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room

Navigation to Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room is accessible from the Ground Floor. Please note that even after obtaining a Reader Card, coats are not allowed in the Reading Rooms. Refer to the Cloakroom (Coat Check) directions.

These directions assume you are starting navigation from the Ground Floor Main Entrance.

Directions to Reader Card Registration and Main Reading Room

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the Main Information Desk to the space behind the desk.
  2. While facing east in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, proceed forward through the center hallway of the Ground Floor. Be cautious of standing signs in the hallway.
  3. When you reach a wall in front of you, turn left and continue down the hallway, using the wall to your right to navigate around the turn.
  4. The wall to your right will reach a corner at a hallway intersection. Turn left and continue forward through the hallway.
  5. You will reach a set of open double doors where the center hallway meets the east hallway. Turn left immediately after these doors to orient yourself in the east hallway facing the northeast corner.
  6. Two Researcher Elevators are on the right side of this hallway immediately after turning from the center hallway.
  7. Take either elevator to the First Floor for Reader Card Registration and the Main Reading Room.
  8. After exiting the elevator, it may be necessary to turn right or left to navigate to the area between the two elevators. If you reach a turn in the hall, you have traveled too far.
  9. When you reach the Microform and Electronics Resource Center between the two elevators, turn to face away from the resource center.
  10. Walk forward to reach the Main Reading Room Information Desk on the opposite side of the hallway as the Microform and Electronics Resource Center.


Men’s, Women’s, and Family Main Entrance Restrooms Wheelchair Accessible

The Main Entrance Restrooms are located in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, on the west side of the building, behind the Main Entrance Information Desk.

Directions to the Main Entrance Restrooms

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the Main Information Desk to the space behind the desk.
  2. While facing east in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, the Men’s Restroom is to the left. Turn left and proceed forward until you reach a wall with two doors. The Men’s Restroom is the door on the right.
  3. While facing east in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, the Women’s Restroom and Family Restroom are to the right. Turn right and proceed forward until you reach a wall with two doors. The Women’s Restroom is the door on the left and the Family Restroom is the door on the right.

Southeast Men’s Restroom Wheelchair Accessible

The Southeast Men’s Restroom is located on the Ground Floor in the southeast corner of the building where the south and east hallways meet. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.

Directions to the Southeast Men’s Restroom

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right and proceed forward down the hallway.
  2. At the end of this hallway turn left and proceed forward down the hallway.
  3. Continue to the end of the hallway. The Southeast Men’s Restroom is the last door to the right after the double doors.

Northeast Women’s Restroom  Wheelchair Accessible

The Northeast Women’s Restroom is located on the Ground Floor in the northeast corner of the building where the north and east hallways meet. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.

Directions to the Northeast Women’s Restroom

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed forward down the hallway.
  2. At the end of this hallway turn right and continue forward down the hallway.
  3. Continue to the end of the hallway. The Northeast Women’s Restroom is the last door to the left.

Southwest Women’s Restroom

The Southwest Women’s Restroom is located on the Ground Floor in the southwest corner of the building where the south and west hallways meet. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.

Directions to the Southwest Women’s Restroom

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right and proceed forward down the hallway.
  2. At the end of this hallway the door to the Southwest Women’s Restroom is straight ahead.

Elevators and Stairs

Stairs to the First Floor

Stairs to the First Floor level are located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building to the north and south immediately after Security. The most direct path is usually obstructed by rope barriers that require visitors to reach the Main Entrance Information Desk before turning to reach the stairs.

Directions to the North Stairs to the First Floor

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left.
  2. Navigate around the pillar to your left and stop turning when you are facing west.
  3. Proceed forward and the north stairs to the First Floor will be on your right. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs. Turn right at the first landing of the stairs to continue up to the First Floor. Please ascend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic.

Directions to the South Stairs to the First Floor

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right.
  2. Navigate around the pillar to your right and stop turning when you are facing west.
  3. Proceed forward and the South Stairs to the First Floor will be on your left. There is a handrail along the center of the stairs and a left turn in the stairs. Please ascend on the right side of the stairs to maintain the flow of traffic.

Visitor Elevators

The Visitor Elevator is located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building in the Ground Floor Main Entrance. The south visitor elevators grant access to the Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor, and Main Reading Room Overlook Gallery level. Visitors can observe the Main Reading Room from above on the Main Reading Room Overlook Gallery level. When exiting the Main Reading Room Gallery, there is a north visitor elevator for use down to the second floor to maintain the flow of traffic.

Directions to the Visitor Elevators

  1. While facing the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the Main Information Desk to the center of the Ground Floor Main Entrance so the desk is behind you.
  2. To reach the elevator that grants access to the Basement, Ground Floor, First Floor, and Second Floor, turn right and proceed forward until you meet a wall.
  3. Turn left, then continue forward towards the corner of the Main Entrance.
  4. The elevator will be on your right at the corner of the Main Entrance.

Researcher Stairs and Elevators

Researcher Stairs and Elevators are located on the Ground Floor in the east side of the building. The Researcher Stairs and Elevators are necessary for reaching Reader Card Registration, and other researcher resources. 

Directions to the Researcher Elevators

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the desk to the center of the Ground Floor Main Entrance.
  2. While facing east in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, proceed forward through the center hallway of the Ground Floor. Be cautious of standing signs in the hallway.
  3. When you reach a wall in front of you, turn left and continue down the hallway, using the wall to your right to navigate around the turn.
  4. The wall to your right will reach a corner at a hallway intersection. Turn left and continue forward through the hallway.
  5. You will reach a set of open double doors where the center hallway meets the west hallway. Turn left immediately after these doors to orient yourself in the west hallway facing the northwest corner.
  6. Two Researcher Elevators are on the right side of this hallway immediately after turning from the center hallway.
  7. Take the elevator to the First Floor for Reader Card Registration and the Main Reading Room. Additional Reading Rooms are on the Second Floor.

Directions to the Researcher Stairs

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the desk to the center of the Ground Floor Main Entrance.
  2. While facing east in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, proceed forward through the center hallway of the Ground Floor. Be cautious of standing signs in the hallway.
  3. When you reach a wall in front of you, turn left and continue down the hallway, using the wall to your right to navigate around the turn.
  4. The wall to your right will reach a corner at a hallway intersection. Turn left and continue forward through the hallway.
  5. You will reach a set of open double doors where the center hallway meets the west hallway. Turn left immediately after these doors to orient yourself in the west hallway facing the northwest corner.
  6. Pass the elevator on your right and immediately turn right and continue forward. The entrance to the Researcher Stairs is the first door on the right after passing through the double doors.
  7. Reader Card Registration and the entrance to the Main Reading Room are on the First Floor. Additional Reading Rooms are on the Second Floor.

Capitol Visitor Center Tunnel Stairs and Elevator

The Capitol Visitor Center Stairs and Elevator are located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building near the Ground Floor Main Entrance.

Directions to the Capitol Visitor Center Stairs and Elevator

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Ground Floor Main Entrance, turn left.
  2. Proceed forward down the hall. Continue past the stairs to your left and the Tunnel Information Desk will be immediately on the left after passing the stairs.
  3. While facing south at the Tunnel Information Desk, the doors to the Capitol Visitor Center Stairs and Elevator are directly behind you.
  4. The room is split so that the east half of the room leads down a set of stairs and the west side of the room continues to an elevator at the far north end of the room.

Visitor Locations of Interest

Ground Floor Main Entrance

The Ground Floor Main Entrance is located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building. If entering the Main Entrance through the Researcher and Staff center door, it is accessible immediately after Security. The Ground Floor Main Entrance is where the Main Information Desk, West Cloakroom (Coat Check), Visitor Elevators, and three restrooms are located. There are also eight benches throughout the Ground Floor Main Entrance.

The directions below assume you entered through the Main Entrance on the west side of the building.

Directions to the Ground Floor Main Entrance

  1. After passing through Security navigate through the room using the velvet ropes and low benches arranged to assist navigation.
  2. A visitor engagemnent representative will ask to see your pass.
  3. Proceed forward and pass the Tunnel Information Desk on your right.
  4. When you reach the wall in front of you, turn right.
  5. Proceed forward. The Main Information Desk will be on your left after passing two doors and a throughway for the Main Entrance.

Library Shop

The Library Shop is located on the Ground Floor on the west side of the building, next to security. .

Directions to the Library Shop

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right.
  2. Proceed forward and pass the Cloakroom (Coat Check) at the first counter on your left.
  3. Continue through an open set of double doors in the hallway. The Library Shop is the first open door on the right side of the hallway. You may exit the Library Shop from the hallway entrance you enter through or exit directly out to the building’s exit Security.

Graphic Arts Galleries

The Graphic Arts Galleries are located on the Ground Floor near the southwest corner of the building, at the end of the east hallway just before entering the turn to the south hallway. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.

Directions to the Graphic Arts Galleries

  1. Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right and proceed down the hallway.
  2. Pass the Library Shop on the right and continue down the hallway.
  3. There are two open doors on the right side of the hallway that access the Graphic Arts Galleries before reaching the open double doors.

Young Readers Center and Programs Lab (LJ G51)

The Young Readers Center and Programs Lab is located on the Ground Floor near the southwest corner of the building near the end of the south hallway just before entering the turn to the east hallway. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building. The Young Readers Center and Programs Lab hours change seasonally.

Directions to the Young Readers Center and Programs Lab

  1. Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn right and proceed down the hallway.
  2. At the end of this hallway turn left and proceed down the hallway.
  3. The Young Readers Center and Programs Lab entrance is the second to last door on the right side of the hallway before reaching the open double doors.

Whittall Pavilion (9LJ WH)

The Whittall Pavilion is located on the Ground Floor in the west side of the building.

Directions to the Whittall Pavilion

  1. Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed down the hallway.
  2. The entrance to the Whittall Pavilion is the second door on the right just after you exit the Main Entrance.

Coolidge Auditorium (LJ G45)

The Coolidge Auditorium is located on the Ground Floor in the northwest corner of the building where the north and west hallways meet.

Directions to the Coolidge Auditorium

  1. Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed down the hallway.
  2. At the end of the hall, the last two doors on the right will be the Coolidge Auditorium’s two entrances.

Gershwin Room

The Gershwin Room is located on the Ground Floor in the northwest side of the building before the west hallway meets the corner to the north hallway. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.  

Directions to the Gershwin Room

  1. Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed down the hallway.
  2. The Gershwin Room is the last door on the left side of the hallway before reaching the open double doors.

Bob Hope Gallery

Facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed down the hallway.

Directions to the Bob Hope Gallery

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed forward down the hallway.
  2. The Bob Hope Gallery is the last door on the left after the double doors.

Researcher and Staff Locations of Interest

Navigation to Main Reading Room Researchers 

The Main Reading Room is restricted to visitors with Reader Cards. Please refer to the Navigation to Reader Card Registration section to obtain a Reader Card on site. The Main Reading Room is accessible from the Ground Floor and First Floor. Please note that even after obtaining a Reader Card, coats are not allowed in the Reading Rooms. Refer to the Cloakroom (Coat Check) directions.

These directions assume you are starting navigation from the Ground Floor Main Entrance.

Directions to Main Reading Room

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the Main Information Desk to the open space behind the desk.
  2. While facing east behind the Main Information Desk, proceed forward through the center hallway of the Ground Floor. Be cautious of standing signs in the hallway.
  3. When you reach a wall in front of you, turn left and continue down the hallway, using the wall to your right to navigate around the turn.
  4. The wall to your right will reach a corner at a hallway intersection. Turn left and continue forward through the hallway.
  5. You will reach a set of open double doors where the center hallway meets the west hallway. Turn left immediately after these doors to orient yourself in the west hallway facing the northwest corner.
  6. Two Researcher Elevators are on the right side of this hallway immediately after turning from the center hallway.
  7. Take the elevator to the First Floor for Reader Card Registration and the Main Reading Room. Additional Reading Rooms are on the Second Floor.

American Folklife Center Reading Room (LJ G31) Researchers

The American Folklife Center Reading Room is located on the Ground Floor in the northeast corner of the building where the north and east hallways meet. The building uses double doors that remain open where the hallways meet the corners of the building.

Directions to the American Folklife Center Reading Room

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, turn left and proceed forward down the hallway.
  2. At the end of this hallway turn right and continue forward down the hallway.
  3. At the end of this hallway turn right. The American Folklife Center Reading Room is the third door on the left side of the hallway.

Staff Training Center (LJ G07)

The Staff Training Room is located on the Ground Floor in the center hallway that connects the Ground Floor Main Entrance on the west side of the building to the Researcher Elevators and Stairs on the east side of the building.

Directions to the Training Center (LJ G07)

  1. While facing east at the Main Information Desk in the Main Entrance, navigate around the Main Information Desk to the center of the space behind the desk.
  2. While facing east behind hte Main Information Desk, proceed forward through the center hallway of the Ground Floor. Be cautious of standing signs in the hallway.
  3. When you reach a wall in front of you, turn left and continue down the hallway, using the wall to your right to navigate around the turn.
  4. The wall to your right will reach a corner at a hallway intersection. Turn left and continue forward through the hallway.
  5. You will reach a set of open double doors where the center hallway meets the west hallway. The door to the Training Center (LJ G07) is located on the left side of the hallway before these open double doors.