Bib-1 Diagnostics Defined within the Z39.50-1995 Standard
Code |
Meaning |
Addinfo |
1 | permanent system error | (unspecified) |
2 | temporary system error | (unspecified) |
3 | unsupported search | (unspecified) |
4 | Terms only exclusion (stop) words | (unspecified) |
5 | Too many argument words | (unspecified) |
6 | Too many boolean operators | (unspecified) |
7 | Too many truncated words | (unspecified) |
8 | Too many incomplete subfields | (unspecified) |
9 | Truncated words too short | (unspecified) |
10 | Invalid format for record number (search term) | (unspecified) |
11 | Too many characters in search statement | (unspecified) |
12 | Too many records retrieved | (unspecified) |
13 | Present request out-of-range | (unspecified) |
14 | System error in presenting records | (unspecified) |
15 | Record not authorized to be sent intersystem | (unspecified) |
16 | Record exceeds Preferred-message-size | (unspecified) |
17 | Record exceeds Exceptional-record-size | (unspecified) |
18 | Result set not supported as a search term | (unspecified) |
19 | Only single result set as search term supported | (unspecified) |
20 | Only ANDing of a single result set as search term | (unspecified) |
21 | Result set exists and replace indicator off | (unspecified) |
22 | Result set naming not supported | (unspecified) |
23 | Specified combination of databases not supported | (unspecified) |
24 | Element set names not supported | (unspecified) |
25 | Specified element set name not valid for specified database | (unspecified) |
26 | Only generic form of element set name supported | (unspecified) |
27 | Result set no longer exists - unilaterally deleted by target | (unspecified) |
28 | Result set is in use | (unspecified) |
29 | One of the specified databases is locked | (unspecified) |
30 | Specified result set does not exist | (unspecified) |
31 | Resources exhausted - no results available | (unspecified) |
32 | Resources exhausted - unpredictable partial results available | (unspecified) |
33 | Resources exhausted - valid subset of results available | (unspecified) |
100 | (unspecified) error | (unspecified) |
101 | Access-control failure | (unspecified) |
102 | Challenge required, could not be issued - operation terminated | (unspecified) |
103 | Challenge required, could not be issued - record not included | (unspecified) |
104 | Challenge failed - record not included | (unspecified) |
105 | Terminated at origin request | (unspecified) |
106 | No abstract syntaxes agreed to for this record | (unspecified) |
107 | Query type not supported | (unspecified) |
108 | Malformed query | (unspecified) |
109 | Database unavailable | database name |
110 | Operator unsupported | operator |
111 | Too many databases specified | maximum |
112 | Too many result sets created | maximum |
113 | Unsupported attribute type | type |
114 | Unsupported Use attribute | value |
115 | Unsupported term value for Use attribute | term |
116 | Use attribute required but not supplied | (unspecified) |
117 | Unsupported Relation attribute | value |
118 | Unsupported Structure attribute | value |
119 | Unsupported Position attribute | value |
120 | Unsupported Truncation attribute | value |
121 | Unsupported Attribute Set | oid |
122 | Unsupported Completeness attribute | value |
123 | Unsupported attribute combination | (unspecified) |
124 | Unsupported coded value for term | value |
125 | Malformed search term | (unspecified) |
126 | Illegal term value for attribute | term |
127 | Unparsable format for un-normalized value | value |
128 | Illegal result set name | name |
129 | Proximity search of sets not supported | (unspecified) |
130 | Illegal result set in proximity search | result set name |
131 | Unsupported proximity relation | value |
132 | Unsupported proximity unit code | value |
201 | Proximity not supported with this attribute combination attribute | list |
202 | Unsupported distance for proximity | distance |
203 | Ordered flag not supported for proximity | (unspecified) |
205 | Only zero step size supported for Scan | (unspecified) |
206 | Specified step size not supported for Scan step | size |
207 | Cannot sort according to sequence | sequence |
208 | No result set name supplied on Sort | (unspecified) |
209 | Generic sort not supported (database-specific sort only supported) | (unspecified) |
210 | Database specific sort not supported | (unspecified) |
211 | Too many sort keys | number |
212 | Duplicate sort keys | key |
213 | Unsupported missing data action | value |
214 | Illegal sort relation | relation |
215 | Illegal case value | value |
216 | Illegal missing data action | value |
217 | Segmentation: Cannot guarantee records will fit in specified segments | (unspecified) |
218 | ES: Package name already in use | name |
219 | ES: no such package, on modify/delete | name |
220 | ES: quota exceeded | (unspecified) |
221 | ES: extended service type not supported | type |
222 | ES: permission denied on ES - id not authorized | (unspecified) |
223 | ES: permission denied on ES - cannot modify or delete | (unspecified) |
224 | ES: immediate execution failed | (unspecified) |
225 | ES: immediate execution not supported for this service | (unspecified) |
226 | ES: immediate execution not supported for these parameters | (unspecified) |
227 | No data available in requested record syntax | (unspecified) |
228 | Scan: malformed scan | (unspecified) |
229 | Term type not supported | type |
230 | Sort: too many input results | max |
231 | Sort: incompatible record formats | (unspecified) |
232 | Scan: term list not supported | alternative term list |
233 | Scan: unsupported value of position-in-response | value |
234 | Too many index terms processed | number of terms |
235 | Database does not exist | database name |
236 | Access to specified database denied | database name |
237 | Sort: illegal sort | (unspecified) |
238 | Record not available in requested syntax | alternative suggested syntax(es) |
239 | Record syntax not supported | syntax |
240 | Scan: Resources exhausted looking for satisfying terms | (unspecified) |
241 | Scan: Beginning or end of term list | (unspecified) |
242 | Segmentation: max-segment-size too small to segment record | smallest acceptable size |
243 | Present: additional-ranges parameter not supported | (unspecified) |
244 | Present: comp-spec parameter not supported | (unspecified) |
245 | Type-1 query: restriction ('resultAttr') operand not supported | (unspecified) |
246 | Type-1 query: 'complex' attributeValue not supported | (unspecified) |
247 | Type-1 query: 'attributeSet' as part of AttributeElement not supported | (unspecified) |
Bib-1 Diagnostics -- Approved Extensions
Code |
Meaning |
Addinfo |
1001 | Malformed APDU. | |
1002 | ES: EXTERNAL form of Item Order request not supported. | |
1003 | ES: Result set item form of Item Order request not supported. | |
1004 | ES: Extended services not supported unless access control is in effect. | |
1005 | Response records in Search response not supported. | |
1006 | Response records in Search response not possible for specified database (or database combination). See note 1. | |
1007 | No Explain server. See note 2. | pointers to servers that have a surrogate Explain database for this server. |
1008 |
ES: missing mandatory parameter for specified function |
parameter |
1009 | ES: Item Order, unsupported OID in itemRequest. | OID |
1010 | Init/AC: Bad Userid | |
1011 | Init/AC: Bad Userid and/or Password | |
1012 | Init/AC: No searches remaining (pre-purchased searches exhausted) | |
1013 | Init/AC: Incorrect interface type (specified id valid only when used with a particular access method or client) | |
1014 | Init/AC: Authentication System error | |
1015 | Init/AC: Maximum number of simultaneous sessions for Userid | |
1016 | Init/AC: Blocked network address | |
1017 | Init/AC: No databases available for specified userId | |
1018 | Init/AC: System temporarily out of resources | |
1019 | Init/AC: System not available due to maintenance | when it's expected back up |
1020 | Init/AC: System temporarily unavailable | when it's expected back up |
1021 | Init/AC: Account has expired | |
1022 | Init/AC: Password has expired so a new one must be supplied | |
1023 | Init/AC: Password has been changed by an administrator so a new one must be supplied | |
1024 | Unsupported Attribute. See note 3. |
an unstructured string indicating the object identifier of the attribute set id, the numeric
value of the attribute type, and the numeric value of the attribute. |
1025 |
Service not supported for this database |
1026 |
Record cannot be opened because it is locked |
1027 |
SQL error |
1028 |
Record deleted |
1029 |
Scan: too many terms requested. |
Addinfo: max terms supported |
1030 - 1039 |
currently unnassigned |