TagSet -G and -M Elements
Updated: September 7, 1999
TagSet-G Elements Defined Within the Text of Z39.50-1995
The original 19 elements retain their numbering, however several are deprecated
(recommended that they not be used, in favor of new elements),
bodyOfDisplay is renamed displayObject, 'date' is renamed 'dateTime' ('time' is deprecated) and datatypes for several of the elements
are revised.
- title
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'type' tagSet-M element 23
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- author
datatype: Same datatype definition as title.
- publicationPlace
datatype: InternationalString
- publicationDate
datatype: InternationalString.
It is recommended that publicationDate not be used; it may
be covered by 'date', qualified by 'type'.
- documentId
datatype: InternationalString.
It is recommended that documentId not be used; it may be
covered by 'identifier', qualified by 'type'.
- abstract
datatype: internationalString
It is recommended that 'abstract' not be used; it may be
covered by 'description', qualified by 'type'.
- name
datatype: Same datatype definition as title.
- dateTime (previously 'date')
- EXTERNAL ( Z3950DateTime),
- GeneralizedTime, or
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType 1, 2, or 3 above.
- 'type' tagSet-M element 23
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- displayObject
datatype: OCTET STRING
- organization
datatype: InternationalString
- postalAddress
datatype: InternationalString
- networkAddress
datatype: InternationalString
- eMailAddress
datatype: InternationalString
- phoneNumber
datatype: InternationalString
- faxNumber
datatype: InternationalString
- country
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- description
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'type' tagSet-M element 23
- time
It is recommended that 'time' not be used; it may be covered by
- DocumentContent
Approved extensions to TagSet-G
- language
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- subject
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- resourceType
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- city
datatype: InternationalString
- stateOrProvince
datatype: InternationalString
- zipOrPostalCode
datatype: InternationalString
- cost
- InternationalString, or
- IntUnit, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
InternationalString or IntUnit,
- 'costInfo' tagSet-M element 25; datatype:
- 'costFlag' tagSet-M element 26; datatype:
- format
- InternationalString, or
- structured into following sub-elements:
- 'wellKnown', tagSet-M element 19, dataType
- 'scheme' tagSet-M element 24
- identifier
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- rights
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- relation
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- publisher
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- contributor
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- source
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- coverage
datatype: Same dataType definition as title.
- private
datatype: dataType definition defined by schema.
Following tag set G elements approved at August 1999 ZIG meeting
- databaseName
datatype: InternationalString
format: Z39.50s URL. See RFC 2056. The database name (optional in RFC 2056) must be supplied.
meaning/usage: Identifies a Z39.50 database.
- recordId
datatype: InternationalString
format: Z39.50r URL. as described in RFC 2056.
meaning/usage: Identifies a Z39.50 database record.
Proposed extensions to TagSet-G
None currently.
TagSet-M Elements Defined Within the Text of Z39.50-1995
The original 21 elements retain their numbering, however in several cases the
types have been generalized.
- schemaIdentifier
- elementsOrdered
datatype: BOOLEAN
- elementOrdering
datatype: INTEGER
- defaultTagType
datatype: INTEGER
- defaultVariantSetId
- defaultVariantSpec
datatype: VariantSpec
- processingInstructions
datatype: InternationalString
- recordUsage
datatype: INTEGER
- restriction
datatype: InternationalString
- rank
datatype: INTEGER
- userMessage
datatype: InternationalString
- url
datatype: InternationalString
- record
datatype: structured
- localControlNumber
datatype: same as tagSet-G element 'identifier'
- creationDate
datatype: same as tagSet-G element dateTime
- dateOfLastModification
datatype: same as tagSet-G element dateTime
- dateOfLastReview
datatype: same as tagSet-G element dateTime
- score
datatype: INTEGER
- wellKnown
datatype: Defined by schema; default InternationalString
- recordWrapper
datatype: structured
- defaultTagSetId
Approved extensions to TagSet-M
- languageOfRecord
datatype: Same as tagSet-G element 'language'
- type
datatype: INTEGER or InternationalString
- Scheme
datatype: INTEGER or InternationalString
- costInfo
datatype: InternationalString
- costFlag
datatype: BOOLEAN ('true' means there is a cost)
Following tag set M elements approved at August 1999 ZIG meeting
- Record Created By
datatype: InternationalString
- Record Modified By
datatype: InternationalString
Proposed Extensions to TagSet-M
None Currently.
Principles, Usage, and Scope of TagSet-G
TagSet-G includes elements with common usage within a significant
number of user communities. In the absence of a schema that specifies
stricter semantics, TagSet-G elements have broad, loose semantics. They
implicitly inherit more specific semantics when used within a specific
user community. When used across communities, a schema should be used
to tighten those semantics.
For example, the Museum community can use the Title element
interoperably with loose semantics; within that community they all know
what they mean by a Title. Similarly, the Genealogy community uses Title
as well, but with different implied semantics. The problem arises when
the Museum of Genealogy wants to provide records. Then they will need a
schema that defines the semantics of Title.
Scope and Criteria
A generic element may be proposed for addition to tagSet-G, by a group
of implementors developing a Z39.50 profile or a schema, if that group
believes that the element will provide utility beyond their specific
application. The Z39.50 Maintenance Agency establishes procedures pertaining to Z39.50 objects and definitions.These procedures will directly
address the process of adoption or rejection of a proposed element.
Generic Semantics of TagSet-G Elements
Each tagSet-G element will be assigned generic semantics that may be
inferred by a client when the element occurs outside the context of any
specific schema.
Context specific semantics of TagSet-G Elements
Generic semantics attributed to a tagSet-G element are (in
general) weaker than the semantics of that element as defined within a
schema. The intent is that general elements may be inherited by schema
for more specific usage.
Thus a tagSet-G element may be attributed stronger semantics when
it occurs within the context of a specific schema. For example, the
element Author has generic semantics such that if it occurs outside the
context of a schema it is interpreted as "Author or Creator". A
specific schema (for example, pertaining to museum objects) may confine
its meaning to "Creator".
For the remainder of this discussion an element occurrence is referred to
as "context specific" or "generic" depending respectively on whether it occurs
within or not within the context of a specific schema.
Schema context of TagSet-G Element
A tagSet-G element may occur within a retrieval record as generic
or context specific. A client may infer that a generic occurrence
pertains to the record at large, and the client should attribute generic
semantics. If the occurrence is context specific and if the client does
not support the context (i.e. the schema), the client should not infer
any information from the occurrence. A tagSet-G element may have both
context specific and generic occurrences within the same record; in that
case if the client does not support the context, the client may infer
that the generic occurrences apply, while ignoring any context specific
For example, suppose a client executes a search across databases
creating a result set that represents records from potentially several
domains. When the client retrieves a record from the result set, unless
the retrieval record includes a schema identifier, the client might not
know what schema governs the interpretation of the elements of the
record. Suppose in this case the first several elements are from
tagSet-G, say: Author, Title, and subject. Following these initial
tagSet-G elements, assume there is a structured element with
subelements, the first of which is a schemaIdentifier (tagSet-M element
1). Suppose that the client does not support the identified schema, and
suppose further that there are several tagSet-G elements following the
schema identifier. The client is able to discern that the Author, Title,
and Subject pertain to the record, but the client is not able to process
the record further, in particular, the client may not infer information
from the second set of tagSet-G elements. In this case, the client may
be able to inform the user that there is a potential record of interest,
and that in order to interpret the record, support for the specific
schema is necessary.
As another example, consider a database where an individual record
corresponds to a physical object (for example, a work of art) and the
record includes one or more digital renditions of the object. An
abstract record structure may specify that tagSet-G elements may occur
at the beginning of the record, outside the context of a specific
schema, followed by a schema identifier, followed by a repeating,
structured element, with a repetition for each rendition. There may be
tagSet-G elements within each such "rendition" element, and these would
pertain to the specific rendition. (The 'Title' or 'Author' for the
first rendition may be different from those of the 'second' rendition.
For example, the first rendition may be "black and white still image,
35mm" where the listed 'Author' is the photographer; while the second
rendition may be a sketch of the physical object, where the listed
'Author' is the artist of the sketch. The Title and Author in both cases
would be different from those of the object itself.)
TagSet-G element used as utility elements, within a Tag Path
TagSet-G elements may be used within a tag path, as for example in the
GILS abstract record structure: there is an element 'availability' (GILS
element 70), subordinate to which is an element distributor (GILS
element 90), and thus is constructed the element
availability/distributor. Subordinate to this element are several
tagSet-G elements: name, organization, address, and telephone. Thus are
constructed the following elements:
- Availability: distributor name
- Availability: distributor organization
- Availability: distributor address
- Availability: distributor telephone
In this scheme These four tagSet-G elements play the role of utility
elements, allowing GILS to avoid the need to define special tags for
these commonly used elements.
A client receiving a record that includes these GILS elements
(assuming the GILS schema to be in effect) should not infer any
information from the presence of these tagSet-G elements, unless the
client supports the GILS schema.
Utility container elements
Elements such as displayObject (formerly bodyOfDisplay) and
documentContent are available as container elements. Additional utility
elements may be added, if deemed generally useful.
of Congress