Z39.50 International Standard Maintenance Agency - Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office

Z39.50 Text
Part 14

Appendix 4 (ERR): Diagnostics

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Appendix 4 ERR: Error Diagnostics (Normative)

This standard defines and registers the diagnostic set bib-1 and the diagnostic format diag-1. The following object identifiers are assigned:

bib-1 {Z39-50-diagnostic 1} (See ERR.1)
diag-1 {Z39-50-diagnostic 2} (See ERR.2)

[Note: this appendix lists only those error diagnostics registered as part of the publication of Z39.50-1995. For a complete list registerederror diagnostics see /z3950/agency/defns/oids.html#4]

When version 2 is in force, a diagnostic record must conform to the following format:

DefaultDiagFormat ::= SEQUENCE{

condition INTEGER,
addinfo VisibleString}

The diagnostic record includes an integer corresponding to a condition or error, and an (object) identifier of the diagnostic set definition that lists the condition corresponding to that integer.

When version 3 is in force, a diagnostic record may assume the form above, or alternatively, may be defined as EXTERNAL, identified by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER (which identifies the diagnostic format, rather than the diagnostic set).

Bib-1 is a diagnostic set. It was originally defined and registered in Z39.50-1992. This standard includes an extended definition; the conditions listed below for bib-1 include all those that were listed in the Z39.50-1992 bib-1 definition, as well as several additional diagnostics that have been added. (In particular, several of the conditions described by diag-1 that can be expressed by the above format have been added to bib-1.)

Diag-1 is a diagnostic format. It includes several structures for diagnostic information, each tailored to the error information being described. It also includes a single structure through which a diagnostic from a diagnostic set (e.g. bib-1) can be referenced.

Diag-1 allows several diagnostic conditions within a single diagnostic record, to describe multiple errors pertaining to the same record or operation. In particular, diagnostics from different diagnostic sets may be included within the same diag-1 diagnostic record.

ERR.1 Diagnostic Set Bib-1
Table A-4-1 below is for use when DiagnosticSetId (within DefaultDiagFormat) equals the object identifier for diagnostic set bib-1, in which case, Condition takes values from the "Code" column below.

This table may also be used by diagnostic format diag-1 when defaultDiagRec is selected for "diagnostic," and DiagnosticSetId equals the object identifier for this diagnostic set. In that case, the values of "code" and "addinfo" are taken from this table.

AddInfo is ASN.1 type VisibleString. However, for several of the diagnostics below, AddInfo is used to express the value of a parameter that has an ASN.1 type other than VisibleString. Where Addinfo is used to express a numeric value, it should be a character string representation of that value. Where Addinfo is used to express an object identifier, it should take the form of a sequence of integers (each represented by a character string) separated by periods.

[Link to Bib-1 Diagnostics Defined within the Z39.50-1995 Standard]

ERR.2 Diagnostic Format Diag-1
This section defines the diagnostic format diag-1.

[Link to DiagnosticFormatDiag1]

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