Seminar on Cataloging Digital Documents
October 12-14, 1994
University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville
and the
Library of Congress
Welcome message from Sarah Thomas in WAV format (786 K) or in AU format (286 K).
Summary of the seminar by Sarah Thomas.
Photographs from the presentations at the University of Virginia, October 12. There are nine photographs on this page so it may take a while to load them.
Text of the presentations as well as photos of the presenters from October 13 at the Library of Congress.
Panel discussion and development of action plan on October 14.
List of participants and agenda.
Notes from the Seminar taken by LC staff.
Comments regarding the action plan or the WWW presentation of the seminar.
Special corporate assistance provided by OCLC, Inc., with thanks to K. Wayne Smith.
Color photographs were taken by John Felbinger from Columbia University. Black and white photographs were taken by Erica Wissolik of the LC Gazette.
Text editor for these proceedings: Beth Davis-Brown.
HTML editor for World Wide Web version: David Williamson.
Thanks to Edward Gaynor for assistance in securing photo permissions.
Cataloging record created by Rebecca Williams, Computer Files Team, Special Materials Cataloging Division, Library of Congress.
Seminar on Cataloging Digital Documents (1994 : University of Virginia Library and Library of Congress) Proceedings of the Seminar on Cataloging Digital Documents, October 12-14, 1994 [computer file] / University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, and the Library of Congress. Access: Internet. Address: Title from title screen. "Sponsor: Sarah Thomas, director for cataloging, Library of Congress"--Home page. Summary: Text, graphics, and audio files, including a summary of the seminar by Sarah Thomas, color photographs of the presenters and various events, texts of the presentations, notes taken by Library of Congress staff, records of the panel discussion, an action plan, and a list of participants. 1. Cataloging of computer files--Congresses--Databases. I. Thomas, Sarah. II. University of Virginia. Library. III. Library of Congress. IV. Title. Z695.615 025.3--dc12a 94-790547