EAD (Encoded Archival Description, Version 2002 Official Site)

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002

Appendix A: EAD Crosswalks

This appendix includes three "crosswalks" intended to enable comparison of EAD elements with the data elements defined in two related metadata standards or frameworks: ISAD(G)(4) and MARC21. Use of these crosswalks may facilitate mapping of data between and among these metadata tools, such as for exporting data from EAD finding aids to create MARC21 records. Further information about the relationship between EAD and these other standards is contained in various sections of the EAD Application Guidelines.

The three crosswalks are these:

  1. A.1. ISAD(G) to EAD
  2. A.2. EAD to ISAD(G)
  3. A.3. MARC21 to EAD

A conservative approach was taken in compiling these crosswalks. In other words, only clear equivalencies between data elements were included. Other roughly compatible elements that may be identifiable by users were omitted because the match was felt to be ambiguous or uncertain.

Listing of two EAD elements side by side in the following tables indicates that the second element is a subelement of the first. For example, "<controlaccess><persname>" indicates that the <persname> element should be nested within <controlaccess>.

Listing of different EAD elements on separate lines within a table cell indicates that all of the listed elements can be mapped to the matching data element from the corresponding metadata tool.

A.1. ISAD(G) to EAD

3.1.1 Reference code(s) <eadid> with COUNTRYCODE and MAINAGENCYCODE attributes<unitid> with COUNTRYCODE and REPOSITORYCODE attributes
3.1.2 Title <unittitle>
3.1.3 Dates <unitdate>
3.1.4 Level of description <archdesc> and <c> LEVEL attribute
3.1.5 Extent and medium of the unit <physdesc> and subelements <extent>, <dimensions>, <genreform>, <physfacet>
3.2.1 Name of creator <origination>
3.2.2 Administrative/Biographical history <bioghist>
3.2.3 Archival history <custodhist>
3.2.4 Immediate source of acquisition <acqinfo>
3.3.1 Scope and content <scopecontent>
3.3.2 Appraisal, destruction and scheduling <appraisal>
3.3.3 Accruals <accruals>
3.3.4 System of arrangement <arrangement>
3.4.1 Conditions governing access <accessrestrict>
3.4.2 Conditions governing reproduction <userestrict>
3.4.3 Language/scripts of material <langmaterial>
3.4.4 Physical characteristics and technical requirements <phystech>
3.4.5 Finding aids <otherfindaid>
3.5.1 Existence and location of originals <originalsloc>
3.5.2 Existence and location of copies <altformavail>
3.5.3 Related units of description <relatedmaterial><separatedmaterial>
3.5.4 Publication note <bibliography>
3.6.1 Note <odd><note>
3.7.1 Archivist's note <processinfo>
3.7.2 Rules or conventions <descrules>
3.7.3 Date(s) of descriptions <processinfo><p><date>

A.2. EAD to ISAD(G)

<accessrestrict> 3.4.1 Conditions governing access
<accruals> 3.3.3 Accruals
<acqinfo> 3.2.4 Immediate source of acquisition
<altformavail> 3.5.2 Existence and location of copies
<appraisal> 3.3.2 Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
<archdesc> level attribute 3.1.4 Level of description
<arrangement> 3.3.4 System of arrangement
<bibliography> 3.5.4 Publication note
<bioghist> 3.2.2 Administrative/Biographical history
<c> level attribute 3.1.4 Level of description
<custodhist> 3.2.3 Archival history
<descrules> 3.7.2 Rules or conventions
<eadid> with MAINAGENCYCODE and COUNTRYCODE attributes 3.1.1 Reference code(s)
<langmaterial> with <language> LANGCODE and SCRIPTCODE attributes 3.4.3 Language/scripts of material
<legalstatus> 3.4.1 Conditions governing access
<note> 3.6.1 Note
<odd> 3.6.1 Note
<originalsloc> 3.5.1 Existence and location of originals
<origination> 3.2.1 Name of creator
<otherfindaid> 3.4.5 Finding aids
<physdesc> and subelements <extent>, <dimensions>, <genreform>, <physfacet> 3.1.5 Extent and medium of the unit
<phystech> 3.4.4 Physical characteristics and technical requirements
<processinfo> 3.7.1 Archivist's note
<processinfo><p><date> 3.7.3 Date(s) of descriptions
<relatedmaterial> 3.5.3 Related units of description
<scopecontent> 3.3.1 Scope and content
<separatedmaterial> 3.5.3 Related units of description
<unitdate> 3.1.3 Dates
<unitid> with COUNTRYCODE and REPOSITORYCODE attributes 3.1.1 Reference code(s)
<unittitle> 3.1.2 Title
<userestrict> 3.4.2 Conditions governing reproduction

A.3. MARC21 to EAD

Table A.3 does not include all possible MARC21 fields to which EAD elements might be mapped to generate a partial MARC21 record for the collection; it instead focuses on the most significant and useful fields. In addition, MARC21 fields that contain coded data, such as Leader and Directory fields, are not included, because it is unlikely that such information would be provided in a finding aid in a format that could be directly ported into a MARC21 record (or vice versa).

Note that this mapping is between an EAD finding aid and a MARC21 record describing that same collection, not to a MARC21 record describing the finding aid per se. The table only includes MARC21 fields for which there is a direct, logical analog to an EAD element.

The right-hand column listing EAD elements specifies the use of a subelement within another element in some situations. In other cases, this column provides a list of optional elements, leaving it to the archivist to determine which one best fits the data being encoded.

It is most useful to map to MARC21 the EAD data that is encoded in the high-level <did> or in other <did>-level elements such as <bioghist>, <scopecontent>, and <controlaccess> to their field equivalencies in MARC21 records. Since most repositories create MARC21 records only at the "collection level," mapping from more detailed components of EAD finding aids, while theoretically feasible, is less likely to be useful in practical terms.

Note that EAD data being mapped to MARC21 fields that require authority-controlled data must be in controlled access form in order to be imported into a valid MARC21 record.

041 Language LANGCODE attribute in <language>
100 Main entry--personal name <origination><persname>
110 Main entry--corporate name <origination><corpname>
111 Main entry--meeting name <origination><corpname>
130 Main entry--uniform title <unittitle>
240 Uniform title <controlaccess><title>
245 Title statement <unittitle>
245$f Title statement/inclusive dates <unitdate type="inclusive">
245$g Title statement/bulk dates <unitdate type="bulk">
254 Musical presentation statement <materialspec>
255 Cartographic mathematical data <materialspec>
256 Computer file characteristics <materialspec>
260$c Date <unitdate>
300 Physical description <physdesc> and subelements <extent>, <dimensions>, <genreform>, <physfacet>
340 Physical medium <phystech>
351 Organization and arrangement <arrangement>
351$c Hierarchical level <archdesc> LEVEL attribute
355 Security classification control <legalstatus>
500 General note <odd>
506 Restrictions on access note <accessrestrict>
510 Citation/references <bibliography>
520 Summary, etc. <scopecontent>
524 Preferred citation of described materials <prefercite>
530 Additional physical form available <altformavail>
535 Location of Originals/Duplicates <originalsloc>
536 Funding information <sponsor>
538 System Details <phystech>
540 Terms governing use and reproduction <userestrict>
541 Immediate source of acquisition <acqinfo>
544 Location of other archival materials <relatedmaterial>
545 Biographical or historical data <bioghist>
546 Language <langmaterial>
555 Cumulative index/finding aids (5)
561 Ownership and custodial history <custodhist>
581 Publications about described materials <bibliography>
583 Action <appraisal>
584 Accumulation and frequency of use <accruals>
600 Subject--personal name <controlaccess><persname role="subject">
<controlaccess><famname role="subject">
610 Subject--corporate name <controlaccess><corpname role="subject">
611 Subject--meeting <controlaccess><corpname role="subject">
630 Subject--uniform title <controlaccess><title role="subject">
650 Subject--topical <controlaccess><subject>
651 Subject--geographic name <controlaccess><geogname role="subject">
655 Genre/form <controlaccess><genreform>
656 Occupation <controlaccess><occupation>
657 Function <controlaccess><function>
69x Local subject access <controlaccess><subject source="local">
700 Added entry--personal name <controlaccess><persname>
710 Added entry--corporate name <controlaccess><corpname>
711 Added entry--meeting name <controlaccess><corpname>
720 Added entry--uncontrolled <name>
730 Added entry--uniform title <controlaccess><title>
740 Added entry--uncont./related anal. title <title>
752 Added entry--hierarchical place name <geogname>
852 Location <repository>


4 - This crosswalk is to the second edition of ISAD(G), published by the International Council on Archives in 2000.

5 - In a MARC21 record, a note in the 555 field would mention the existence of the EAD-encoded finding aid, but no specific EAD element maps to this field. The existence of other finding aids can be noted in <otherfindaid>.