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Chicago citation style:
Herold, David E., Defendant, George A Atzerodt, Lewis Payne, Michael O'Laughlin, Edward Spangler, Samuel Arnold, Mary E Surratt, Samuel Alexander Mudd, and United States Army. Military Commission. The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President, and the Attempt to Overthrow the Government by the Assassination of Its Principal Officers. editeds by Poore, Benjamin Perley Boston, J.E. Tilton and Company, -66, 1865. Image.
APA citation style:
Herold, D. E., Atzerodt, G. A., Payne, L., O'Laughlin, M., Spangler, E., Arnold, S. [...] United States Army. Military Commission, Poore, B. P., ed. (1865) The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President, and the Attempt to Overthrow the Government by the Assassination of Its Principal Officers. Boston, J.E. Tilton and Company, -66. [Image] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Herold, David E., Defendant, et al. The Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President, and the Attempt to Overthrow the Government by the Assassination of Its Principal Officers. ed by Poore, Benjamin Perley Boston, J.E. Tilton and Company, -66, 1865. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.