Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as
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Chicago citation style:
Brief on behalf Anastasia Abarca de Bolea, the widow of the Marquis de Ossera, versus María Regalado de Funes Villalpando Ariño Climente Enriquez de la Carra, Marchioness of Ossera, concerning the former's request to the court to attach certain goods in the estate of her husband to secure payment of certain monetary debt. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1690] Pdf.
APA citation style:
(1690) Brief on behalf Anastasia Abarca de Bolea, the widow of the Marquis de Ossera, versus María Regalado de Funes Villalpando Ariño Climente Enriquez de la Carra, Marchioness of Ossera, concerning the former's request to the court to attach certain goods in the estate of her husband to secure payment of certain monetary debt. [Spain: publisher not identified] [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
MLA citation style:
Brief on behalf Anastasia Abarca de Bolea, the widow of the Marquis de Ossera, versus María Regalado de Funes Villalpando Ariño Climente Enriquez de la Carra, Marchioness of Ossera, concerning the former's request to the court to attach certain goods in the estate of her husband to secure payment of certain monetary debt. [Spain: publisher not identified, 1690] Pdf. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.