Book/Printed Material Here begynneth the table of the rubrices of this presente volume named the Mirrour of the World or thymage of the same. Text begins (leaf a6): Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the Worlde / Mirrour of the world or thymage of the same / Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the Worlde
About this Item
- Here begynneth the table of the rubrices of this presente volume named the Mirrour of the World or thymage of the same.
Other Title
- Text begins (leaf a6): Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the Worlde
- Mirrour of the world or thymage of the same
- Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the Worlde
- Gautier, of Metz, active 1245, attributed name.
- Vincent, of Beauvais, -1264.
- Caxton, William, approximately 1422-1491 or 1492, printer.
- Reynes, John, -1544, binder.
- Ellsworth, James W. (James William), 1849-1925, former owner.
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
Created / Published
- [Westminster, London, England : William Caxton, 1481]
- - Encyclopedias and dictionaries--Early works to 1600
- - English language--Middle English, 1100-1500--Texts
- - England--London
- Incunabula--England--London--1481
- - Translated by William Caxton from a prose version of the Image du monde (or Livre de clergie) attributed by some authorities to Gossuin, by others to Gautier of Metz. It is derived from various Latin sources, chiefly the Imago mundi, probably compiled by Honorius Solitarius. Cf. George Sarton. Introduction to the history of science, 1931, v. 2, p. 591; Image du monde. Caxton's Mirrour of the world, edited by O.H. Prior. 1913, introd. See Goff for further attributions, including Vincent of Beauvais.
- - Title from leaf a2.
- - Imprint from Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.)
- - Signatures: a-m⁸ n⁴ (a1 blank).
- - Library of Congress. Lessing J. Rosenwald collection, 563
- - Goff, F.R. Incunabula in American libraries, M-883
- - Copinger, W.A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, 11656
- - Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, 10966
- - Duff, E.G. Fifteenth century English books, 401
- - Ricci, S. de. A census of Caxtons 94
- - Illustrated ISTC (CD-ROM, 2nd ed.) im00883000
- - LC copy has initials and paragraph marks in red; table of contents in 16th century hand inside front cover. Contemporary blind stamped brown calf binding by John Reynes (with his monogram). Imperfect: wanting n1. Wanting a1 (blank). With a leaf (p.4-5) from C. Plinii naturalis historiae Liber XXXIII (running title) tipped onto p. [3] of cover.
- - LC copy has bookplates: James William Ellsworth; LJR (Lessing J. Rosenwald.).
- - With this are bound: Mubashshir ibn Fātik, Abū al-Wafāʼ. [Mukhtār al-ḥikam wa-maḥāsin al-kalim. English (Middle English)]. Thus endeth thys book of the dictes and notable Wyse sayenges of the phylosophers ... [Westminster, London, England : William Caxton,18 Nov. 1477, i.e. ca. 1480] -- Cicero, Marcus Tullius. [Cato maior de senectute. English (Middle English)] Here begynneth the prohemye vpon the reducynge, both out of latyn as of frensshe in to our englyssh tongue of the polytyque book named Tullius de senectute. [Westminster, London, England] : ... William Caxton ..., [12 Aug. 1481] -- Gerardus, de Vliederhoven. [Cordiale quattuor novissimorum. English (Middle English)] AL Ingratitude vtterly settying apart, we owe to calle to our myndes the manyfolde gyftes of grace ... [Westminster, London, England] : ... William Caxton ..., [24 Mar. 1479]. Separately issued.
- - Formerly classified: Incun. 1481 .I5. he04 2009-03-24
- [200] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 30 cm. (fol.)
Call Number/Physical Location
- PQ1486.I5 E5 1481
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 48031310
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Caxton, William
- Ellsworth, James W. (James William)
- Gautier
- Gossuin
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress)
- Reynes, John
- Vincent