First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Subfield Codes | |
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and/or any incorrect and canceled ISSNs copied from field 022 of a MARC 21 bibliographic record for a continuing resource.
The inclusion of this field in the established heading record for a series which identifies an occasionally-analyzed issue of a continuing resource provides a machine link within a system between the authority record for the series and a bibliographic record in which the heading is used as a series added entry. The subfields for this field are defined for consistency with field 022 in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.
International Standard Book Number (ISBN) associated with a multipart item that is cataloged as a set is contained in field 020 (International Standard Book Number).
$a - International Standard Serial Number
Valid ISSN for the continuing resource. ISSN may be generated for display.
022 | ##$a0083-0674 |
$y - Incorrect ISSN
Incorrect ISSN that has been associated with the continuing resource. Each incorrect ISSN is contained in a separate subfield $y. A canceled ISSN is contained in subfield $z.
ISSN (incorrect) may be generated for display.
022 | ##$a0046-225X$y0046-2254 |
$z - Canceled ISSN
Canceled ISSN that is associated with the continuing resource. Each canceled ISSN is contained in a separate subfield $z.
ISSN (canceled) may be generated for display.
022 | ##$a0410-7543$z0527-740X |
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number
A URI for the ISSN in subfield $a.
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
022 | ##$a1098-4186$0 |
$1 - Real World Object URI
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
ISSN Structure - ISSN is an agency-assigned data element. ISSNs are assigned to continuing resource publications by national centers under the auspices of the ISSN Network. An ISSN consists of eight digits comprising two groups of four digits each, separated by a hyphen. The eighth digit is a check digit used as a computer validity check; it consists of a number between 0 and 9 or an uppercase X (for the arabic numeral 10). A description of the ISSN structure and the procedure for validation of the ISSN by calculating the check digit is in International Standard Serial Numbering (ISSN) (ISO 3297).
Display Constants
ISSN | [associated with the content of subfield $a] |
ISSN (incorrect) | [associated with the content of subfield $y] |
ISSN (canceled) | [associated with the content of subfield $z] |
ISSN usually appears on an item with the prefix ISSN and as two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen. The hyphen separating the two groups of digits is carried in the MARC record. The initialism ISSN and the phrases ISSN (incorrect) and ISSN (canceled) are not input. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the content of subfields $a, $y, and $z, respectively.
022 | ##$a0046-225X$y0046-2254 | ||||||||
ISSN 0046-225X ISSN (incorrect) 0046-2254 |
Subfield $l was made obsolete in favor of recording ISSN-L in field 023.
Subfield $m was made obsolete in favor of recording canceled ISSN-L in field 023.