First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Subfield Codes | |
Dates that are associated with the entity described in the record. These include:
For a person: a person's date of birth, date of death, and the date or date range of the person's period of activity.
For a corporate body: a date or range of dates on which a conference, etc., is held, or a date with which the corporate body is otherwise associated (e.g., date of establishment, date of termination, period of activity).
For a family: a significant date associated with the family.
For a work or expression: see subfield $k (Beginning or single date created).
The date and time are recorded according to Representations of Dates and Times (ISO 8601) in the pattern yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyymmdd (4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day) unless subfield $2 (Source of date) specifies another date scheme.
$f - Birth date
The year a person was born. Date of birth may also include the month and day of the person’s birth.
046 | ##$f1931 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMunro, Alice,$d1931- |
046 | ##$f19360505 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSmith, John,$d1936 May 5- |
$g - Death date
The year a person died. Date of death may also include the month and day of the person’s death. The date is recorded as specified in the field definition and scope.
046 | ##$f1899$g1961 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aHemingway, Ernest,$d1899-1961 |
$k - Beginning or single date created
For a work, earliest date (normally the year) associated with a work; that date may be the date the work was created or first published or released. For an expression, the earliest date (normally the year) associated with an expression; that date may be the date of the earliest known manifestation of that expression. In both cases the date in subfield $k may be the starting date of a range or a single date.
$l - Ending date created
Ending date of the date range for which the beginning date is recorded in $k.
$o - Single or starting date for aggregated content
Single or starting date of original release of the contents of a collection/aggregation.
046 | ##$k1985$l9999$o1800$p1899 [A set of English drama originally created 1800-1899 and published as a microform set beginning in 1985] |
046 | ##$k1994$o0203$p1486 [Writings created 203-1486 and published as an anthology in 1994] |
$p - Ending date for aggregated content
Ending date of original release of the contents of a collection/aggregation.
046 | ##$k2006$o1932$p1940 [A DVD set of films originally released 1932-1940 and issued as a collection in 2006] |
$q - Establishment date
The year a corporate body was established. Date of establishment may also include the month and day of the corporate body’s establishment.
046 | ##$q1977 | ||||||||
110 | 2#$aDouble Image (Musical group : 1977-) |
$r - Termination date
The year a corporate body was terminated. Date of termination may also include the month and day of the corporate body’s termination.
046 | ##$q1970$r1972 | ||||||||
110 | 2#$aBrigham Young University.$bDepartment of Education (1970-1972) |
$s - Start period
Earliest date in a period of activity.
The date is recorded as specified in the field definition and scope.
$t - End period
Latest date in a period of activity.
The date is recorded as specified in the field definition and scope.
046 | ##$s1925$t1979 | ||||||||
100 | 3#$aPahlavi (Dynasty : 1925-1979) |
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.
In field 046, subfield $u is used for the source of information about dates accessible electronically.
$v - Source of information
Source where the information recorded in field 046 was found if not through a URI.
$x - Nonpublic note
Note relating to the date(s) recorded in the field. The note is written in a form that is not adequate or intended for public display.
$z - Public note
Note relating to the date(s) recorded in the field. The note is written in a form that is adequate or intended for public display. It is not intended to substitute for system programming that correctly parses the date information itself for display purposes.
046 | ##$k2008$2edtf$zCreation date | ||||||||
046 | ##$k2015$2edtf$zRelease date |
$2 - Source of date scheme
Source of the date scheme used in the field if not in the form yyyymmdd as specified in subfield $f (Birth date). Code from: Date and Time Scheme Source Codes.
046 | ##$f1831?$2edtf | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSmith, James,$dborn 1831? [probable year of birth] |
$3 - Materials specified
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.
046 | ##$3Compilation$k1978$2edtf | ||||||||
046 | ##$3The heroes$o1950$2edtf | ||||||||
046 | ##$3The compromise$o1955$2edtf | ||||||||
046 | ##$3The philosopher$o1959$2edtf | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aAshbery, John,$d1927-2017.$tThree plays [A compilation published in 1978, consisting of plays created in 1950, 1955, and 1959.] |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Subfields $s and $t formerly included establishment/termination date of a corporate body.