Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 383

383 - Numeric Designation of Musical Work or Expression (R)

MARC 21 Authority - full
June 2024

First Indicator Second Indicator
Type of entity
# - No information provided
0 - Work
1 - Expression

# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Serial number (R)
  • $b - Opus number (R)
  • $c - Thematic index number (R)
  • $d - Thematic index code (NR)
  • $e - Publisher associated with opus number (NR)
  • $2 - Source (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $7 - Data provenance (R)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


A serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work or expression by the composer, arranger, publisher, or a musicologist. May be used to differentiate a musical work or expression from another with the same title.



First Indicator - Type of entity

The type of entity associated with the numeric designation(s) recorded in this field.

# - No information provided

0 - Work

Numeric designation associated with the work.

383 0#$ano. 17$bop. 31, no. 2
[Serial number and opus number identifying a work by Beethoven.]
1 - Expression

Numeric designation associated with the expression.

383 1#$cS. 375$dSearle$2mlati
[Thematic index number assigned to Franz Liszt’s arrangement of songs composed by Schubert.]

Second Indicator - Undefined

Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$a - Serial number

A number used if works or expressions with the same title, or with the same title and the same representative medium of performance, are consecutively numbered by the composer or arranger, or are consecutively numbered in reference sources.

100 1#$aDavidovsky, Mario,$d1934-2019.$tSynchronisms,$nno. 9
382 0#$aviolin$n1$apre-recorded audio$2lcmpt
383 0#$ano. 9
670 ##$aGrove music online, October 10, 2019$b(Synchronisms. No. 9, vn, elecs, 1988)
100 1#$aDavidovsky, Mario,$d1934-2019.$tSynchronisms,$nno. 10
382 0#$aguitar$n1$apre-recorded audio$2lcmpt
383 0#$ano. 10
670 ##$aGrove music online, October 10, 2019$b(Synchronisms. No. 10, gui, elecs, 1992)

$b - Opus number

An identifying number of a musical composition sometimes followed by a number within the opus.

100 1#$aHovhaness, Alan,$d1911-2000.$tIsland of Mysterious Bells.
383 0#$bop. 244

$c - Thematic index number

A number assigned to a work or expression in a recognized thematic index.

100 1#$aVivaldi, Antonio,$d1678-1741.$tCimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione.$nN. 1-4
383 0#$bop. 8, no. 1-4
383 0#$cRV 269$cRV 315$cRV 293$cRV 297
383 0#$cF. I, 22-25
[In this example there are many identifying numbers associated with the work.]
100 1#$aBoccherini, Luigi,$d1743-1805.$tQuintets,$mviolins (2), viola, cellos (2).$kSelections;$oarranged$s(Herold)
383 1#$bop. 2$ePleyel
383 1#$cG. 154$dGérard $2mlati

$d - Thematic index code

Code identifying thematic index represented by the number recorded in subfield $c.

100 1#$aVivaldi, Antonio,$d1678-1741.$tCimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione.$nN. 1-4
383 0#$bop. 8, no. 1-4
383 0#$cRV 269$cRV 315$cRV 293$cRV 297$dRyom$2mlati
383 0#$cF. I, 22-25$dFanna$2mlati

$e - Publisher associated with opus number

Brief identification of publisher associated with number recorded in $b. Used only where different publishers assigned different opus numbers to the same work or expression, or when different publishers assign the same opus number to different works or expressions.

100 1#$aGyrowetz, Adalbert,$d1763-1850.$tSerenades,$mclarinets (2), horns (2), bassoon,$nop. 3 (André)
400 1#$aGywrowetz, Adalbert,$d1763-1850.$tSerenades,$mclarinets (2), horns (2), bassoon,$nop. 5 (Hummel)
383 0#$bop. 3$eAndré
383 0#$bop. 5$eHummel

$2 - Source

Specifies the source of the code cited in subfield $d.

Code from: Thematic Index Code Source Codes.

$6 - Linkage

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$7 - Data provenance

See description of this subfield in Appendix H: Data Provenance Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Field 383 - Numeric Designation of Musical Work [RENAMED, 2024] [REDESCRIBED, 2024]
Field was renamed and definition and scope was broadened in order to accommodate the recording of numeric designations of musical expressions. The change also applies to the definitions of subfields $a, $c, $e.

Indicator 1 - Type of entity [NEW, 2024]

Prior to 2024, Indicator 1 was undefined.

# - No information provided [NEW, 2024]

0 - Work [NEW, 2024]

1 - Expression [NEW, 2024]
$d - Thematic index code [NEW, 2011]
$e - Publisher associated with serial or opus number [NEW, 2011]
$2 - Source [NEW, 2011]
$7 - Data provenance [NEW, 2022]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 383
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