Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 100

100 - Heading-Personal Name (NR)

MARC 21 Authority - concise
July 2022

Established personal name used in a name, name/title, or extended subject heading established heading records or an unestablished personal name used in these types of headings a traced or an untraced reference record.


First - Type of personal name entry element
0 - Forename
1 - Surname
3 - Family name
Second - Undefined
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes

$a - Personal name (NR)
Surname and/or forename; letters, initials, abbreviations, phrases, or numbers used in place of a name; or a family name.
$b - Numeration (NR)
Roman numeral or roman numeral and a subsequent part of a forename when the first indicator value is 0.
$c - Titles and other words associated with a name (R)
$d - Dates associated with a name (NR)
Dates of birth, death, or flourishing, or any other date associated with a name.
$e - Relator term (R)
Relationship between a name and a work.
$f - Date of a work (NR)
Date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
$g - Miscellaneous information (R)
Data element not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield.
$h - Medium (NR)
Media qualifier used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
$j - Attribution qualifier (R)
Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious or pseudonymous.
$k - Form subheading (R)
$l - Language of a work (NR)
Name of a language(s) used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
$m - Medium of performance for music (R)
$n - Number of part/section of a work (R)
Number designation for a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading.
$o - Arranged statement for music (NR)
Abbreviation arr. used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading.
$p - Name of part/section of a work (R)
Name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading.
$q - Fuller form of name (NR)
More complete form of the name contained in subfield $a.
$r - Key for music (NR)
Statement of key used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading.
$s - Version (R)
Version, edition, etc., information used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
$t - Title of a work (NR)
Uniform title, a title page title of a work, or a series title used in a name/title heading.
$v - Form subdivision (R)
$x - General subdivision (R)
$y - Chronological subdivision (R)
$z - Geographic subdivision (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$7 - Data provenance (R)
See description of this subfield in Appendix H: Data Provenance Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


100 3#$aClark family$vFiction
100 0#$aE.S.,$cMeister,$d15th cent.,$jFollower of
100 1#$aReynolds, Joshua,$cSir,$d1723-1792,$jPupil of
100 1#$aOlearius, Adam,$d1603-1671
100 1#$aDe Angelini, Anna
100 1#$aMcCoy, Hal
100 1#$aO'Brien, Gerard
100 3#$aArey family
100 3#$aGuelf, House of
100 3#$aAttalid dynasty,$d282-133 B.C.
100 0#$aThomas$c(Anglo-Norman poet)
100 0#$aW. P.,$cEsq.
100 0#$aGustaf$bV,$cKing of Sweden,$d1858-1950
100 1#$aAppleton, Victor,$cII
100 1#$aSalisbury, James Cecil,$cEarl of,$dd. 1683
100 1#$aSaur, Karl-Otto,$cJr.
100 0#$aBlack Foot,$cChief,$dd. 1877$c(Spirit)
100 1#$aBrown, John,$d1800-1859,$edefendant
100 1#$aSperoni, Sperone,$d1500-1588.$tSelections.$f1982
100 1#$aWagner, Richard,$d1813-1883.$tOuvertüre.$hSound recording
100 1#$aHusák, Gustáv.$tSpeeches.$kSelections
100 0#$aDemetrius,$cof Phaleron,$db. 350 B.C.$tDe elocutione.$lRussian
100 1#$aRies, Ferdinand,$d1784-1838.$tOctet,$mpiano, winds, strings,$nop. 128,$rA major
100 1#$aTelemann, Georg Philipp,$d1681-1767.$tSonatas,$mflutes (2),$nop. 5;$oarr.
100 1#$aKalashnikov, S. D.$q(Sergei Dmitrievich)
100 0#$aClaudius$q(Claudius Ceccon)
100 0#$aGautama Buddha$vEarly works to 1800
100 1#$aShakespeare, William,$d1564-1616$xCriticism and interpretation$xHistory$y18th century
100 0#$aFrederick$bII,$cHoly Roman Emperor,$d1194-1250$xHomes and haunts$zItaly

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 1XX,3XX  >> 100
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