Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X  >> 041

041 - Language Code (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - full
June 2023

First Indicator Second Indicator
Translation indication
# - No information provided
0 - Item not a translation/does not include a translation
1 - Item is or includes a translation

Source of code
# - MARC language code
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Language code of text/sound track or separate title (R)
  • $b - Language code of summary or abstract (R)
  • $d - Language code of sung or spoken text (R)
  • $e - Language code of librettos (R)
  • $f - Language code of table of contents (R)
  • $g - Language code of accompanying material other than librettos and transcripts (R)
  • $h - Language code of original (R)
  • $i - Language code of intertitles (R)
  • $j - Language code of subtitles (R)
  • $k - Language code of intermediate translations (R)
  • $m - Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos (R)
  • $n - Language code of original libretto (R)
  • $p - Language code of captions (R)
  • $q - Language code of accessible audio (R)
  • $r - Language code of accessible visual language (non-textual) (R)
  • $t - Language code of accompanying transcripts for audiovisual materials (R)
  • $2 - Source of code (NR)
  • $3 - Materials specified (NR)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $7 - Data provenance (R)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Codes for languages associated with an item when the language code in field 008/35-37 of the record is insufficient to convey full information. Includes records for multilingual items, items that involve translation, and items where the medium of communication is a sign language. Sources of the codes are: MARC Code List for Languages or other code lists such as ISO 639-1 (Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 1 : alpha-2 code).

Languages may also be recorded in textual form in field 546 (Language Note).

Used in conjunction with 008/35-37 (Language). If there is a code in 008/35-37, it is recorded as the first code in subfields $a or $d (for sound recordings) of the first occurrence of field 041 in the bibliographic record. If 008/35-37 contains all blanks (No information provided) or the code "zxx" (No linguistic content) and field 041 is being used, e.g., to record the language code(s) of accompanying material, no subfield $a or $d is present. If only a non-MARC code is used to express the predominant language in an item, field 008/35-37 is coded with three fill characters (| | |).

Used when one or more of the following conditions exist:

Field 041 may also be used to express the original language of the work.

For computer files, field 041 is used to record codes for languages associated with the data and/or user interface (e.g., screen displays). This field is not used to code for machine languages (e.g., COBOL) or character codes, (e.g., ASCII). Information about machine-languages is recorded in field 538 (System Details Note).

For audiovisual materials, field 041 is used with motion pictures, filmstrips, slides, transparencies, and videorecordings when one or more of the following conditions exist:

Field 041 may also be used to record additional language-related information about written or original languages on motion pictures and videorecordings.

For original or historical projectable graphic material, opaque graphic material, and three-dimensional material, this field is used when one or more of the following conditions exist:



First Indicator - Translation indication

Whether the work is or includes a translation. The first indicator value is assigned from the content of the item itself; accompanying material is not considered when determining if an item is a translation. Exception: When printed music contains a translation of a vocal text printed as text, the item is considered a translation and value 1 is used.

# - No information provided

No information is provided as to whether the item is or includes a translation.

041 ##$aeng$afre$aswe
The item includes text in English, French and Swedish.
041 ##$adut$afre$ager$aita$aspa$beng
The item includes text in Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Its summary is in English.
0 - Item not a translation/does not include a translation

041 0#$aeng$afre
1 - Item is or includes a translation

Used regardless of whether the work in the original language has been published or not. If, however, the translated work is not entered under the main entry for the original, for example, because the translation also involved adaptation, then the item is not considered a translation and the first indicator position contains value 0.

041 1#$aeng$hrus

Second Indicator - Source of code

Source of the language code used in the field.

# - MARC language code
041 1#$aeng$hger$hswe
7 - Source specified in subfield $2

Source of the language code is indicated by a code in subfield $2.

008/35-37 |||
041 07$aen$afr$ait$2iso639-1


$a - Language code of text/sound track or separate title

Language code in the first occurrence of subfield $a in the bibliographic record is also recorded in 008/35-37 (Language) unless 008/35-37 contains blanks (###) or the code "zxx" (No linguistic content).

008/35-37 eng
041 0#$aeng$afre$ager
[Text is in English, French and German.]
008/35-37 jpn
041 1#$3Gojira$ajpn$jeng$hjpn
041 0#$3Godzilla$aeng$heng
[DVD contains two films, one with a Japanese sound track, and one with an English sound track.]

For works in multiple languages, the codes for the languages of the text are recorded in the order of their predominance in the text. If no language is predominant, the codes are recorded in English alphabetical order. If the cataloging institution has chosen to code mul (Multiple languages) in 008/35-37, the code for the title (or the first title, if there are more than one) and the code mul are recorded. Alternatively, any number of specific language codes may be recorded in repeating occurrences of subfield $a.

008/35-37 rus
041 0#$arus$aeng
[Item is in Russian (the predominant language) and English.]
008/35-37 eng
041 0#$aeng$afre$ager$ahun$apor$arus
008/35-37 cze
041 0#$acze$aeng$ager
[Map with legend in Czech, English, and German.]
008/35-37 sgn
041 0#$asgn$aeng
[Item contains representations of the alphabet in sign language with minimal English text on title page.]
008/35-37 mul
041 0#$amul$arus
[Item is multilingual with no predominant language and the cataloging institution has chosen not to specify a language in field 008/35-37. The title is in Russian.]

For continuing resources, when the language of the text changes over a period of time, codes for all languages are recorded.

For computer files, the language(s) associated with the data and/or user interface (e.g., screen displays) is recorded in subfield $a.

For musical works, the language(s) of the textual content is recorded in subfield $a only when the work is printed or manuscript music. If the work is a sound recording, the language code(s) is recorded in subfield $d.

For moving image resources, subfield $a contains the code(s) of spoken or sung languages associated with the item, as well as sign language and any language code(s) of the languages of accompanying sound. Code languages used to provide access to a resource in an alternative (accessible) mode as appropriate in either subfields $p, $q, or $r.

For projected still images such as filmstrips and slides, subfield $a contains the code(s) of languages associated with the item, as well as any language code(s) of the languages of accompanying printed script or accompanying sound. For all other still images, including original or historical graphic material and opaque and non-opaque graphic material, and for three-dimensional artifacts, subfield $a contains the code(s) of languages associated with the material, i.e., captions or other text associated with the item or collection that are part of the chief source of information.

008/35-37 eng
041 0#$aeng$afre$ager$aita
[Audiovisual item with sound track or separate titles in English, French, German, Italian.]
008/35-37 eng
[no field 041]

[Sound track or separate titles in English only.]

When a work is a translation or includes a translation, the code for the language of the translation is recorded in subfield $a. The code(s) for the language(s) of the original work are recorded in subfield $h. The code(s) for the language(s) of intermediate translations are recorded in subfield $k. If a resource contains both the original work and a translation of the original work, both the language of the original and the language of the translation are recorded in separate occurrences of subfield $a. The code(s) for the original is also recorded in subfield $h.

008/35-37 eng
041 1#$aeng$hfre
[Text is in English, translated from French.]
008/35-37 eng
041 1#$aeng$kger$hswe
[Text is an English translation of a German text which was originally published in Swedish.]
008/35-37 eng
041 1#$aeng$agrc$hgrc
[Text in original Greek and in English translation.]
008/35-37 eng
041 1#$aeng$hund
[Text is an English translation; the original language undetermined.]
008/35-37 fre
041 1#$afre$hger$hrus
[Text is in French and contains three works, the first translated from German and two from Russian.]
008/35-37 eng
041 1#$aeng$hmul
[Item is an anthology of Indic poems translated into English from multiple Indic languages.]

$b - Language code of summary or abstract

Language(s) are recorded in English alphabetical order.

For textual resources, record the language of the summary regardless if it is the same or different from the language recorded in subfield $a.

008/35-37 eng
041 0#$aeng$bfre$bger$bspa
[Text is in English with summaries in French, German, and Spanish.]

For music, subfield $b contains the language code(s) of material accompanying sound recordings if the accompanying material contains summaries of the contents of a nonmusic sound recording or summaries of songs or other vocal works (not translations of the text(s)) contained on a music sound recording.

$d - Language code of sung or spoken text

Language code(s) for the audible portion of an item, usually the sung or spoken content of a sound recording or computer file. If there is no subfield $a, the language code in the first occurrence of subfield $d in the bibliographic record may also be recorded in field 008/35-37.

Note:For materials where the audible portion of an item does not represent the primary content, the language code(s) for the textual portion of the primary content of the item is entered in subfield $a.

008/35-37 eng
041 0#$deng$eeng$efre$eger
[Recording in English with accompanying libretto in English, French, and German.]
008/35-37 geo
041 0#$3Megrelʹskie pesni$dgeo$hgeo
041 1#$3Guriĭskie pesni$drus$hgeo
041 0#$3Program notes$grus
[Recording contains two works—one sung in Georgian, one sung in Russian—and program notes in Russian.]

$e - Language code of librettos

For music, the language code(s) of the printed text of the vocal/textual content of the work.

Used whether accompanying material or printed with the item. Note: Despite its name, this subfield is not restricted to librettos. However, it is not used for items covered by subfield $g.

008/35-37 fre
041 0#$afre$efre$eger$eita

$f - Language code of table of contents

Language code(s) of the table of contents when it differs from the language of the text.

Code(s) are recorded in English alphabetical order.

008/35-37 rum
041 0#$arum$ffre$fger$frus
[Text in Romanian, with tables of contents in French, German, and Russian.]

$g - Language code of accompanying material other than librettos and transcripts

Language code(s) of significant accompanying material other than summaries (subfield $b), librettos (subfield $e), or transcripts (subfield $t).

Includes such items as program notes, prefaces, commentaries, manuals, codebooks, user instructions, etc. For visual materials, subfield $g is used for all accompanying material, except for accompanying printed script for projected still images or accompanying sound (which are recorded in subfield $a).

008/35-37 ger
041 ##$ager$geng
[The photograph collection has captions in German and accompanying material in English.]
008/35-37 zxx
041 ##$gfre
[The item is a print having accompanying material in French. There are no captions or other text associated with the item.]
008/35-37 ###
041 0#$geng
245 00$aFlorida bird songs$h[sound recording].
[A sound recording with program notes on container.]

$h - Language code of original

Language code(s) for original language. Original language may be recorded regardless of whether the first indicator indicates a translation (i.e. value 1). The language code is for the original language of the primary content of the item and it is not required to use it if the item is not a translation.

When indicating the original language of subsidiary materials (e.g. other liner notes, etc.) subfield $m is used.

008/35-37 eng
041 1#$deng$hfre$hger$hita
[Sound recording of works sung in English, originally in French, German, and Italian.]

$i - Language code of intertitles

For silent films, the language code(s) of the intertitles or title cards. Intertitles are filmed text that is shown between the scenes of a silent film to provide dialogue or narrative context.

041 1#$ifre$jeng$jger
[DVD with intertitles in French and subtitles in English and German.]

$j - Language code of subtitles

Language codes for written languages providing access to moving image materials in the form of subtitles. It does not include the languages of the credits, packaging, or accompanying material. If needed, the language of credits is recorded in field 546 (Language Note) and the language of packaging or accompanying material is recorded in 041 subfield $g (Language code of accompanying material other than librettos and transcripts).

041 1#$aeng$bger$jger
[An English language video contains a German language summary on its package and German subtitles.]

$k - Language code of intermediate translations

Language code(s) for an intermediate language between the original and the current translation, where the resource was translated from an intermediate language other than the original.

041 1#$aeng$kchi$hsan
[Book in English translated from the Chinese version of a text originally in Sanskrit]

$m - Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos

Language code of original language(s) of subsidiary materials other than librettos. The subfield follows the related subfield $b or $g.

041 1#$dfre$hita$eeng$efre$eger$eita$geng$gfre$gger$gita$mger
[Sound recording of an opera sung in French, original opera in Italian; libretto in English, French, German, and Italian; liner notes in English, French, German, and Italian but liner notes known to be originally written in German.]

$n - Language code of original libretto

Language code of original language(s) of the printed text of the vocal/textual content of the work. The subfield follows the related subfield $e.

041 1#$deng$hrus$eeng$nrus$geng$gfre$gger
[Sound recording sung in English, translated from the original Russian; libretto in English translated from original Russian; program notes in English with French and German translations.]
008/35-37 fre
041 1#$afre$efre$eger$nfre
[French words printed also as text with German translation.]

$p - Language code of captions

Language codes for language used in moving image resource captions, whether open captioning (Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH)) or closed captioning (CC).

041 0#$aeng$peng
[An English language video containing English language closed captioning.]

$q - Language code of accessible audio

Language codes for audio used as an alternative mode of access to the visual or textual content of a resource. For example, Described Video, a supplementary audio track providing additional access to moving image visual content using audio description.

041 1#$aeng$hfre$qeng
[A French language film dubbed in English with English-language described video.]

$r - Language code of accessible visual language (non-textual)

Language codes for visual language (non-textual) used to provide alternative access to the audio content of a resource. For example, signed languages.

041 0#$aeng$rsgn
041 07$rase$2iso639-3
[An English language resource where audio is the primary mode of access, but alternate access is provided with picture-in-picture American Sign Language.]

For resources where signed language is the primary mode of access, subfield $a should be used to record the language code for signed language.

041 0#$asgn
041 07$aase$2iso639-3
[A resource where American Sign Language is the primary mode of access.]

$t - Language code of accompanying transcripts for audiovisual materials

For non-musical audiovisual works, the language code(s) of the printed text of the spoken content of the work. For musical audiovisual works, the language code(s) of the printed text of the sung and/or spoken content of the work should be recorded in $e.

041 0#$aeng$teng
[An English language online resource for an oral history video file with transcript in English.]

$2 - Source of code

Source of the language code scheme used in the field. Code from: Language Code and Term Source Codes.

If a non-MARC code is used to express the predominant language in an item, field 008/35-37 is coded with three fill characters (| | |).

If more than one code scheme is used in a record, repeat the field.

008/35-37 |||
041 07$aen$afr$ait$2iso639-1
008/35-37 eng
041 0#$aeng$afre
041 07$aen$afr$2iso639-1
[Two language code schemes are used and field 041 is repeated.]

$3 - Materials specified

Part of the described material to which the field applies.

008/35-37 eng
041 1#$3Clyde and Bonnie$aeng$hger
041 1#$3Busstopkisser$aeng$hger
041 1#$3Helver's night$aeng$hpol
245 00$aTheatre Café : $bplays three.
[Book contains English translations of three plays, two from the original German and one from the original Polish.]
008/35-37 jpn
041 1#$3Gojira$ajpn$jeng$hjpn
041 0#$3Godzilla$aeng$heng
546 ##$3Gojira$aIn Japanese with optional English subtitles.
546 ##$3Godzilla$aIn English
[DVD contains two films, one with a Japanese sound track, and one with an English sound track.]

$6 - Linkage

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$7 - Data provenance

See description of this subfield in Appendix J: Data Provenance Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Capitalization - All language codes are recorded in lowercase alphabetic characters.


In 2001: the practice of placing multiple language codes in one subfield, e.g., $aengfreger, was made obsolete and subfields $a, $b, $d, $e, $f and $g were changed from Not-repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R). The field was also changed from Not-repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R) to accommodate non-MARC language codes.

Indicator 1 - Translation indication
# - Undefined (AM, MP, VM) [OBSOLETE, 1993]

In 1993 the first indicator (with values 0 and 1) was defined in the archival and manuscripts control, maps, and visual materials specifications and first indicator value # (Undefined) was made obsolete.

# - No information provided [NEW, 2008]
Indicator 2 - Source of code [NEW, 2001]

Prior to 2001, indicator 2 was undefined, but the field was specified to contain a MARC language code. Thus, value # prior to 2001 can be interpreted as the current # value: MARC language code.

$a - Language code of text/soundtrack or separate title [REDEFINED, 1980]
$b - Language code for summary, abstract, or subtitles [RENAMED, 2005]
$b - Language code of summary or abstract [RENAMED, 2007]
$c - Languages of separate titles (VM) [OBSOLETE, 1972]
$c - Languages of available translation (SE) [OBSOLETE, 1977]

In the specifications for books, music, serials, and mixed materials, subfield $a was redefined to exclude languages of the original and/or intermediate translations of text when subfield $h was defined for this information in 1980. For example, prior to 1980 for an item having text in English, translated from French, subfield $a was coded "engfre" (first indicator value 1).

In the visual materials specifications, subfield $c was made obsolete in this field when subfield $a was redefined to include languages of separate titles in 1972. Prior to that time, subfield $a was used only for languages on a soundtrack.

In the serials specifications, subfield $c was made obsolete in 1977. The language code of a related work is contained in subfield $e of field 775 (Other Edition Entry).

$h - Language code of original and/or intermediate translations of text [REDEFINED, 2011]
$g - Language code of accompanying material other than librettos [RENAMED, 2019]
$i - Language code of intertitles [NEW, 2019]

Prior to the definition of subfield $i in 2019, intertitles for silent films were recorded in subfield $j.

$j - Language code of subtitles or captions [NEW, 2007]
$j - Language code of subtitles or captions [RENAMED, 2018] [REDESCRIBED, 2018]

Prior to the definition of subfield $p in 2018, captions intended for users with hearing disabilities were recorded in subfield $j.

$k - Language code of intermediate translations [NEW, 2011]
$m - Language code of original accompanying materials [NEW, 2011]
$n - Language code of original libretto [NEW, 2011]
$p - Language code of captions [NEW, 2018]
$q - Language code of accessible audio [NEW, 2018]
$r - Language code of accessible visual language (non-textual) [NEW, 2018]
$t - Language code of accompanying transcripts for audiovisual materials [NEW, 2019]
$2 - Source of code [NEW, 2001]
$3 - Materials specified [NEW, 2023]
$7 - Data provenance [NEW, 2022]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X  >> 041
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