MARC: News and Announcements (November 2, 2000)

TECHNICAL NOTICE (November 2, 2000)

LCCN Restructuring
Newly Defined MARC Characters &
Changes in MDS Frequency

Network Development and MARC Standards Office
Library of Congress

[LCCN Restructuring] - [MARC Characters] - [MDS Frequency] - [Implementation Plans]

1. LCCN Restructuring

The Library of Congress has announced previously (see a planned restructuring of the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for newly assigned LCCNs. As of January 1, 2001, all newly assigned LCCNs (fields 001 and 010 in records distributed by CDS) will contain a two-character alphabetic prefix, a four-digit year portion, and a six-digit serial portion. The number of characters in the LCCN will remain the same (12), but the trailing blank or supplement number will be discontinued. Previously assigned LCCNs will not be changed to the new structure, and update records will continue to be distributed under the old style LCCN.

CDS has created a file of test records containing both the new and old style LCCNs for use by customers. The two test files, one containing bibliographic records and the other containing name authority records, are available via anonymous FTP at:

Or download directly from the Web at:

2. Newly Defined MARC Characters

CDS has previously announced plans to distribute records containing the full MARC character set. This includes the 13 characters which were authorized as of 1994 but have been filtered or substituted in distribution by CDS. See list below:

On January 1, 2001, CDS will remove the character substitution step and will distribute records with these characters. Subscribers can expect to receive records containing characters and hex values listed above, but some of the values may not be actively supplied by LC cataloging staff. For a detailed listing of the LC usage of these characters see the LC Cataloging Policy and Support Office homepage (// ).

CDS has created test files containing records with these new characters. The two test files, one containing bibliographic records and the other containing name authority records, are available via anonymous FTP at:

Or download directly from the Web at:

3. Changes in MDS Frequency

Beginning in January 2001, CDS will increase the frequency of some of its MARC Distribution Services. All the quarterly MDS services will be distributed monthly and the monthly MDS-Serials service will be distributed weekly. See the chart below:

LC Implementation Plans

Subscribers can anticipate receiving MARC records reflecting these changes in all distribution services not earlier than January, 2001

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