Home Holding Scheme Source Codes

Holding Scheme Source Codes

Holding Scheme Source Codes
Holding Scheme Source Code Usage in MARC


Holdings Scheme Sources contains a list of schemes for formulating holdings information in records and assigns a code to each scheme. The purpose of this list is to enable the interpretation of holdings notation contained in metadata records. For code assignment, general structure, usage, and maintenance guidelines see Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes.

Arrangement of the List

Entries in the list are arranged in alphabetical order by the code and consist of the source code followed by the bibliographic citation for the source documentation. The citations are linked to the online source for some codes.

Code Structure

Each code consists of a maximum of 12 characters, including lowercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-). Possible additions to codes are described in Source Codes.

Holding Scheme Source Codes

Holdings Statements-Summary Level (ISO 10324) [holdings statements for Bibliographic items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71)]
Holdings Statements-Summary Level (ISO 10324) [holdings statements for Bibliographic items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71)]
Butler, Todd. The newspaper cataloging and union listing manual ([Washington, D.C.]: Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 1990)
Serial Holdings Statements at the Summary Level (ANSI Z39.42) [replaced by Z39.44]
Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71) [formerly Serial Holdings Statement (ANSI Z39.44) and Holdings Statements for Non-Serial Items(ANSI/NISO Z39.57)]

Holding Scheme Source Code Usage in MARC

MARC 21 Formats and Fields

  • Holdings and Bibliographic records
    • 866 $2 (Textual Holdings - Basic Bibliographic Unit / Source of notation)
    • 867 $2 (Textual Holdings - Supplementary Material / Source of notation)
    • 868 $2 (Textual Holdings - Indexes / Source of notation)
Home Holding Scheme Source Codes