Special Topics and Formats
In addition to collecting publications in traditional formats (books and serials), the Library of Congress collects material in a variety of other, different formats. Of the over 175 million items in the Library’s collection, the vast majority are in what is called the special collections. These non-book format materials, e.g., manuscripts, microforms and photographs, account for over 134 million items in the Library’s collections. In terms of subject content, these special formats complement nearly every collection of traditional printed material in every subject area, and many foreign languages are represented in the special collections as well. Library subject and area specialists should recommend the acquisition of special format and special topic material, in coordination with the divisions responsible for those formats. Material that is unique or that documents the lives and experiences of Americans, both famous and ordinary, both native born and immigrant, is of particular interest. Recommenders should work with the U.S. Special Acquisitions Section for the acquisition of large and/or expensive solicited gifts.
One unique special collection, the Veterans History Project, was established by an Act of Congress. According to Public Law 106-380, the Act authorizes the Library to “(1) collect video and audio recordings of personal histories and testimonials of American war veterans; (2) create a collection of such recordings to be available for public use; and (3) solicit and collect written materials relevant to personal histories of war veterans.”
Collections Policy Statements:
- Analog Geospatial Materials (This Collections Policy Statement and the Collections Policy Statement on Digital Geospatial Materials replace the former Collections Policy Statement titled Cartographic and Geospatial Materials.)
- Cartographic and Geospatial Materials (This Collections Policy Statement is replaced by Collections Policy Statements on Analog Geospatial Materials and Digital Geospatial Materials.)
- Comics and Cartoons
- Countries and Regions with Acquisitions Challenges (This Collections Policy Statement replaces the former Collections Policy Statement entitled Developing Countries.)
- Digital Geospatial Materials (This Collections Policy Statement and the Collections Policy Statement on Analog Geospatial Materials replace the former Collections Policy Statement titled Cartographic and Geospatial Materials.)
- Dissertations and Theses
- Ephemera
- Ethnic Materials--United States
- Fine and Applied Arts—Non-Book Materials (Graphic Arts)
- Manuscripts
- Materials Relating to Indigenous Peoples of the United States, Canada, and Mexico
- Moving Images Material
- Newspapers -- Non-U.S.
- Newspapers -- United States
- Periodicals of General Content
- Photography (Non-Book Materials)
- Sound Recordings and Radio
- Translations
- Veterans History Project