The Library of Congress is testing BIBFRAME for bibliographic description through pilot projects that began with BIBFRAME Pilot Phase One (August 2015 - March 2016), and continues with Pilot Phase Two (June 2017 - ). BIBFRAME Pilot Phase Two was supplemented with sixty new participants in June 2019. Brief descriptions of the two BIBFRAME pilots appear below, with the training materials used to instruct participants.
Please be aware that many of the URLs listed in the training materials point to internal Library of Congress sites, and are not accessible outside of the Library of Congress.
BIBFRAME Pilot Phase Two (June 2019- )
In June 2019, sixty more Library of Congress catalogers joined BIBFRAME Pilot Phase Two. This addition brought the total number of BIBFRAME Pilot participants to over 100. Included in the June 2019 additions are nine cataologers from four of the Library of Congress Overseas Offices (OvOp): the offices in Nairobi (Kenya), Cairo (Egypt), Islmabad (Pakistan), and Jakarta (Indonesia) are now pariticipating in the BIBFRAME Pilot. Four additional sound recordings catalogers from the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (MBRS) also joined the pilot. Training for Pilot Phase Two (June 2019- ) consists of the modules described below. |
Module | Slides and Manuals |
Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data for the BIBFRAME Pilot 2.0 On their own, participants review documents and watch videos subarranged into six broad areas: 1. Linked data general background 2. RDF (Resource Description Framework) data model [more details on triples, URIs/IRIs, ontologies and vocabularies] 3. Identifiers in linked data 4. BIBFRAME 5. Wikidata 6. Optional BIBFRAME webcasts and presentations |
Module 1: The BIBFRAME Editor Classroom instruction Course Summary: In this module, participants will learn, hands-on, the interface of the BIBFRAME Editor, how to navigate, how to record bibliographic and authority data, how to save bibliographic data, how to search converted BIBFRAME Works and Instances, and how to work overall in the context of the BIBFRAME Pilot 2.0. Key components of the instruction are using an understanding of MARC to provide context to BIBFRAME, learning how to utilize the “profiles” in the BIBFRAME Editor. An important additional objective is to prepare participants to serve as testers of the BIBFRAME Editor and to provide valuable feedback through the instructors to the developers. |
Module 2: The BIBFRAME Database Classroom instruction Course Summary: In this module, participants will learn, hands-on, the interface of the BIBFRAME Database, how to navigate, search, and retrieve Work and Instance descriptions for enhancement in the BIBFRAME Editor, and how the BIBFRAME Editor and the BIBFRAME Database function as separate but integrated platforms. |
BIBFRAME Pilot Phase Two (June 2017 - )
The forty Library of Congress catalogers that participated in Pilot Phase One were joined by twenty-three new participants for Pilot Phase Two. Pilot Phase Two continues the tests from Phase One, with additional testing of the input of non-Latin scripts for description with no corresponding romanization, testing of authority descriptions for Agents, and a fuller level of interaction with a live BIBFRAME database, consisting of a complete BIBFRAME conversion of the Library of Congress bibliogrpahic file. Training for Pilot Phase Two consists of the modules described below. |
Module | Slides and Manuals |
Module 1: Setting the Stage: Linked Data and the Semantic Web: Overview for BIBFRAME Pilot 2.0 Participants Self-paced online instruction with a specified timeframe for completion, followed by a classroom discussion. Course Summary: The purpose of this module is to introduce and reinforce the Semantic Web, linked data concepts, and some basic tools. The course will discuss the role of semantically linked data in creating useful web services and connecting datasets on the web. The module will provide a very basic overview of the terminology, terms, and tools used for Semantic Web applications. |
Module 2: The BIBFRAME Editor and the BIBFRAME Database Classroom instruction Course Summary: In this module, participants will learn, hands-on, the interface of the BIBFRAME Editor, how to navigate, how to record bibliographic and authority data, how to save bibliographic data, how to search converted BIBFRAME Works and Instances, and how to work overall in the context of the BIBFRAME Pilot 2.0. Key components of the instruction are learning how to utilize the “profiles” in the Editor, and how to interact with the BIBFRAME Linked Data Store. An important additional objective is to prepare you to serve as a tester of the Editor and to provide valuable feedback through the instructors to the developers. |
BIBFRAME Pilot Phase One (August 2015 - March 2016)
Forty Library of Congress catalogers participated in Pilot Phase One, with instruction by four Library of Congress staff members in the Cooperative and Instructional Programs Division (COIN). Pilot Phase One tested bibliographic description in multiple formats and in multiple languages using the BIBFRAME Editor. Training for the Pilot participants consists of the three modules described below. |
Module | Slides, Manuals, Exercises, Online Quizzes |
Module 1: Introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data Classroom instruction Course Summary: The purpose of this module is to introduce the Semantic Web, linked data concepts, and some basic tools. The course will discuss the role of semantically linked data in creating useful web services and connecting datasets on the web. The module will provide a very basic overview of the terminology, terms, and tools used for Semantic Web applications. The module will contrast the limits of our current MARC based environment with the promise of integrating our data more fully with Semantic Web resources to enhance user services. |
Module 2: Introduction to the BIBFRAME Tools Self-paced online instruction with a specified timeframe for completion, followed by a classroom discussion. Course Summary: This module contains assigned readings and videos that reinforce concepts introduced in Module 1. The module also introduces the BIBFRAME Initiative and tools for exploration with BIBFRAME in advance of a decision to implement and create PCC BIBFRAME Profiles. |
Module 3: Using the BIBFRAME Editor for Bibliographic Description Classroom instruction Course Summary: The purpose of this module is to introduce LC BIBFRAME Pilot participants to the BIBFRAME Editor and the RDA Profiles that will be used in the Pilot. |
Last Update: July 3, 2024 |