Book/Printed Material Rodoslovnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ o tatarakh". Родословная iсторiя о татарахъ.
About this Item
- Rodoslovnai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ o tatarakh".
Other Title
- Родословная iсторiя о татарахъ.
Translated Title
- The Genealogical History of the Tartars, Translated into French from the Tartar Manuscript Written in the Mughal Language by Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur, Khan of Khowarazm, Supplemented by a Large Number of Reliable and Curious Notes on the Present State of Northern Asia with the Requisite Geographic Maps and from French into Russian at the Academy of Sciences.
- Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur (or Ebulgazi Bahadir Han, 1603-63) was the ruler of the Khanate of Khiva (in present-day Uzbekistan) and a prominent historian of the Turkic peoples who wrote in the Old Turkic (Chagatai) language. The son of ʻArab Muhammad Khan, Abu al-Ghazi was caught up in a dynastic struggle with his brothers following the death of their father and forced to flee to the Safavid court in Isfahan (in present-day Iran), where he lived from 1629 to 1639. He eventually ascended to the throne of the Khanate of Khiva in 1644 or 1645, which he ruled until his death. He was the author of two works that are important sources for Central Asian history, Shajare-i Tarākime or Şecere-i Terakime (The genealogical tree of the Turkmen), completed in 1659, and Shajare-i Turk (The genealogical tree of the Turks), which he left incomplete and which his son, Abu al-Muzaffar Anusha Muhammad Bahadur, completed in 1665. Shajare-i Turk was translated into French and published in Leiden in 1726 under the title Histoire genéalogique des Tatars. The work contains a genealogical history of the Turks from the time of the biblical Adam to 1663. The bulk of the book is a history of the Shaybanid dynasty, which ruled the Khanate of Bukhara from 1500 to 1598. Presented here is a Russian edition of Shajare-i Turk, published in Saint Petersburg in 1768 by the Russian Academy of Sciences, based on the French translation of 1726. The book is in two volumes and contains different maps of "Northern Asia" at the beginning of each volume. It is from the Rare Books Department of the Russian State Library in Moscow. World Digital Library.
- Ebülgâzî Bahadir, Han Khan of Khorezm, 1603-1663 , author.
- Trediakovskiĭ, V. K. (Vasiliĭ Kirillovich), 1703-1769 , translator.
- Bahādur, Abū al-Muẓaffar Anūsha Muḥammad.
- - maps
- - Siberia
- - expeditions
- - History
- - Ethnography
- - Geography
- - Ethnic groups
- - Ethnology
- - Genealogy
- - Khanate of Bukhara
- - Kings and rulers
- - Mongols
- - Shaybanid dynasty
- - Tatars
- - Turks
- - Uzbekistan
- - Kniga snabzhena primechanii︠a︡mi izvestnogo istorika i ėtnografa G.F. Millera. Primechanii︠a︡, imei︠u︡shchie samostoi︠a︡tel'noe nauchnoe znachenie. Soderzhat' svedenii︠a︡ o narodakh, naseli︠a︡i︠u︡shchikh Sibir'.
- - In this work Abulgasi-Bayadur-Khan describes the tribal history of the Tartars since the biblical time of Adam until the year 1663. This edition is the Russian translation of the original manuscript, written in Arabic, and contains numerous critical comments. The two maps that were added to these volumes were created from the same material used for Strahlenberg's map of Siberia. Strahlenberg's map, which was released at the same time, shows more details and is a little more exact.
- - Original text at: Russian State Library
- - Книга снабжена примечаниями известного историка и этнографа Г.Ф. Миллера. Примечания, имеющие самостоятельное научное значение. Содержать сведения о народах, населяющих Сибирь.
- - In this work Abulgasi-Bayadur-Khan describes the tribal history of the Tartars since the biblical time of Adam until the year 1663. This edition is the Russian translation of the original manuscript, written in Arabic, and contains numerous critical comments. The two maps that were added to these volumes were created from the same material used for Strahlenberg's map of Siberia. Strahlenberg's map, which was released at the same time, shows more details and is a little more exact.
- 483 pages (Volume 1), 480 pages (Volume 2)
Source Collection
- Rare Books from the Russian State Library
Digital Id
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2018694166
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Part of
- Bahādur, Abū Al-Muẓaffar Anūsha Muḥammad
- Ebülgâzî Bahadir, Han Khan of Khorezm
- Trediakovskiĭ, V. K. (Vasiliĭ Kirillovich)