First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Type of personal name entry element 0 - Forename 1 - Surname 3 - Family name |
100 - Undefined # - Undefined 400 - Undefined # - Undefined 500 - Undefined # - Undefined 700 - Thesaurus 0 - Library of Congress Subject Headings 1 - Library of Congress Children's and Young Adults' Subject Headings 2 - Medical Subject Headings 3 - National Agricultural Library subject authority file 4 - Source not specified 5 - Canadian Subject Headings 6 - Répertoire de vedettes-matière 7 - Source specified in subfield $2 |
Subfield Codes | |
Name portion
Title portion
Name and title portions
Control subfields
Subject subdivision portion
Content designators identify the subelements occurring in a name or name/title heading that contains a personal name constructed according to generally accepted cataloging and thesaurus-building rules (e.g., Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)). Personal names used in phrase subject headings (e.g., John, the Baptist, Saint, in the Koran) are contained in the X50 fields.
Only generally-applicable content designators are described in full in this section. A small number of content designators with field-specific instructions are described in the Tracings and References-General Information section (for field 400 and 500) and the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section (for field 700).
First Indicator - Type of personal name entry element
Form of the entry element of the name portion of a heading. The values distinguish among forenames, surnames, and family names used as the entry element.
Forename or a name consisting of words, phrases, initials, separate letters, or numerals that are formatted in direct order.
100 | 0#$aRadulfus,$cNiger,$db. ca. 1140.$tChronica |
400 | 0#$aAuthor of The diary of a physician,$d1807-1877 [Name formatted in direct order.] |
400 | 1#$aDiary of a physician, Author of The,$d1807-1877 |
100 | 0#$aC. E. L. J. | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aJ., C. E. L. [Name formatted in inverted order in field 400; first indicator value is 1.] |
400 | 0#$aX,$cDr. | ||||||||
400 | 0#$aDr. X |
Surname formatted in inverted order (surname, forename) or a name without forename(s) which is known to be a surname. If there is uncertainty that a name without forename(s) is a surname, the first indicator position contains value 0. Phrases, when formulated with inversion and an entry element similar to a surname are treated as a surname.
100 | 1#$aOlearius, Adam,$d1603-1671 | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aOlearius,$cHerr$q(Adam),$d1603-1671 [Name without forename known to be a surname.] |
400 | 1#$aO., A.$q(Adam Olearius),$d1603-1671 |
100 | 1#$aDe Angelini, Anna | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aAngelini, Anna de |
100 | 1#$aAllsworth-Jones, P. | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aJones, P. Allsworth- |
100 | 1#$aAlderwerelt van Rosenburgh, C. R. W. K. van$q(Cornelis Rugier Willem Karel),$d1863-1936 | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aVan Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh, C. R. W. K.$q(Cornelis Rugier Willem Karel),$d1863-1936 |
100 | 1#$aMcCoy, Hal | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aO'Brien, Gerard | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aS., Anton D. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aAleixandre Ferrandis, V. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aHinojosa-S., Rolando R. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aDigby of Geashill, Frances Noel Digby,$cBaroness,$d1660 or 61-1684 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMateu y Llopis, Felipe,$d1901- | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSan Román, Teresa | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aEl Saffar, Ruth S.,$d1941- |
Name of a family, clan, dynasty, house, or other such group. The name may be constructed in direct or inverted order.
100 | 3#$aArey family | ||||||||
500 | 3#$aIhrig family |
100 | 3#$aGuelf, House of | ||||||||
400 | 3#$aHouse of Guelf |
100 | 3#$aAttalid dynasty,$d282-133 B.C. | ||||||||
100 | 3#$aVon der Au family |
Second Indicator
In fields 100, 400, and 500, the second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank (#). For field 700, the second indicator position contains one of the values described in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.
$a - Personal name
Name may be a surname and/or forename; letters, initials, abbreviations, phrases, or numbers used in place of a name; or a family name. A parenthetical qualifying term associated with the name is contained in subfield $c, and a fuller form of name added as a qualifier is contained in subfield $q.
100 | 0#$aThomas$c(Anglo-Norman poet) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aStoodt, Dieter | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aGranet Velez, Gail | ||||||||
100 | 3#$aPlantagenet, House of | ||||||||
100 | 3#$aPremyslid dynasty |
100 | 1#$aKarkhanis, Sharad- | ||||||||
400 | 0#$aSharad Karkhanis |
100 | 0#$aW. P.,$cEsq. | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aP., W.,$cEsq. | ||||||||
400 | 0#$aWP,$cEsq. |
$b - Numeration
Roman numeral or a roman numeral and a subsequent part of a forename. It is used only when the entry element is a forename (first indicator, value 0).
100 | 0#$aGustaf$bV,$cKing of Sweden,$d1858-1950 | ||||||||
400 | 0#$aOscar Gustaf$bV Adolf,$cKing of Sweden,$d1858-1950 |
100 | 1#$aAppleton, Victor,$cII [Roman numeral used with a surname heading (first indicator, value 1) is contained in subfield $c.] |
$c - Titles and other words associated with a name
Includes qualifying information such as
If the entry element is a surname followed directly by a prefix without intervening forenames or forename initials, the prefix is contained in subfield $c to prevent its being treated as a forename in searching and sorting processes.
400 | 1#$aSanctis,$cDe |
Multiple adjacent titles or words associated with a name are contained in a single subfield $c. Subfield $c is repeated only when words associated with a name are separated by subelements contained in other subfields.
100 | 1#$aSalisbury, James Cecil,$cEarl of,$dd. 1683 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aNorodom Sihanouk Varman,$cKing of Cambodia,$d1922- | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aCuthbert,$cFather, O.S.F.C.,$d1866-1939 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aThomas,$cAquinas, Saint,$d1225?-1274 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aThomas$c(Anglo-Norman poet).$tRoman de Tristan.$lEnglish | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSaur, Karl-Otto,$cJr. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aAppleton, Victor,$cII | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aMargaret,$cQueen, consort of James IV, King of Scotland,$d1489-1541 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aAugustine,$cSaint, Bishop of Hippo | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aBlack Foot,$cChief,$dd. 1877$c(Spirit) [Subfield $c is repeated due to intervening subelements.] |
400 | 0#$aHausbuch,$cMeister des,$d15th cent. | ||||||||
400 | 0#$aAmsterdam Cabinet,$cMaster of the,$d15th cent. | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aWeiss, Judah Areyh,$cha-Levi | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aL'Epée,$cabbé de$q(Charles-Michel),$d1712-1789 | ||||||||
400 | 3#$aKonbaung dynasty,$cBurma,$d1752-1885 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMassena, André,$cprince d'Essling,$d1758-1817 | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aE.,$cP. d',$d1758-1817 |
$d - Dates associated with a name
Dates of birth, death, or flourishing or any other date used with a name. A qualifier used with the date (e.g., b., d., ca., fl., ?, cent.) is also contained in subfield $d.
100 | 1#$aLobb, Theophilus,$d1678-1763 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aLuckombe, Philip,$dd. 1803 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSalant , Yosef Tsevi,$d1884 or 5-1981 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSirillo, Solomon ben Joseph,$dd. ca. 1558 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMalalas, John,$dca. 491-ca. 578 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMarcellus, Marcus Claudius,$dd. 45 B.C. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aLevi, James,$dfl. 1706-1739 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aJoannes Aegidius,$cZamorensis,$d1240 or 41-ca. 1316 | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aCompton, Winny,$db. 1787 |
$e - Relator term
Designation of function that describes the relationship between a name and a work.
100 | 1#$aBlum, Leon,$d1872-1950,$edefendant$tLeon Blum devant la Cour supreme, Riom.$lHebrew |
$f - Date of a work
Date of publication used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aDorst, Tankred.$tWorks.$f1985 |
100 | 1#$aSperoni, Sperone,$d1500-1588.$tSelections.$f1982 | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aSperoni, Sperone,$d1500-1588.$tCanace, e scritti in sua difesa.$f1982 |
Date added parenthetically to a title to distinguish between identical titles entered under the same name is not separately subfield coded.
$g - Miscellaneous information
Data that is not more appropriately contained in another defined subfield. This subfield code is defined for consistency among the name fields. Subfield $g is unlikely to be used in an X00 field.
$h - Medium
Media qualifier used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aWagner, Richard,$d1813-1883.$tOuvertüre.$hSound recording |
$i - Relationship information [400/500/700]
Designation of a relationship of the entity in a 400, 500, or 700 field to the 1XX entity in the record or a textual reference instruction phrase. For fields 400 and 500 the phrase may be system-generated from the field tag or from the codes defined for subfield $w (Control subfield). Subfield $i is appropriate only in fields 400, 500, and 700. Guidelines for using subfield $i in fields 400 and 500 are provided in the Tracings and References-General Information section. Guidelines for using subfield $i in field 700 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.
$j - Attribution qualifier
Attribution information for names when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious, or pseudonymous. Qualifiers should be used that follow the name of a known artist for the work.
100 | 0#$aE.S.,$cMeister,$d15th cent.,$jFollower of | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aReynolds, Joshua,$cSir,$d1723-1792,$jPupil of |
$k - Form subheading
Occurs in the title portion of an X00 field. Form subheadings used with personal names include Selections.
100 | 1#$aHusák, Gustáv.$tSpeeches.$kSelections | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aAkhmatova, Anna Andreevna,$d1889-1966.$tSelections.$lEnglish & Russian.$f1985 [The word Selections is used as a uniform title and is contained in subfield $t.] |
100 | 0#$aDemetrius,$cof Phaleron,$db. 350 B.C.$tDe elocutione.$lRussian | ||||||||
400 | 0#$wnnaa$aDemetrius,$cof Phaleron.$kSpurious and doubtful works.$tDe elocutione.$lRussian |
$l - Language of a work
Name of a language(s) (or a term representing the language, e.g., Polyglot) used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aCéline, Louis-Ferdinand,$d1894-1961.$tEntretiens avec le professeur Y.$lEnglish & French | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aJacobs, Una.$tSonnen-Uhr.$lEnglish | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aBrezina, Otokar,$d1868-1929.$tPoems.$lPolyglot |
$m - Medium of performance for music
Term(s) designating the medium of performance used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.$tSonatas,$mpiano.$kSelections | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aSpeer, Daniel,$d1636-1707.$tSonatas,$mcornetts (2), trombones (3),$rC major |
Subfield $m is not used for medium of performance information in a title page title used in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aBeethoven, Ludwig van, $d1770-1827.$tPiano music.$kSelections | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.$tBagatelles, rondos and other shorter works for
piano [Title page title] |
Multiple adjacent elements in a single medium of performance statement are contained in a single subfield $m. Subfield $m is repeated only when medium of performance statements are separated by subelements contained in other subfields.
100 | 1#$aArne, Thomas Augustine,$d1710-1778.$tConcertos,$mkeyboard instrument, orchestra.$nNo. 3,$pCon spirito,$mkeyboard instrument [Subfield $m is repeated due to intervening subelements.] |
If the uniform title includes as part of the medium the abbreviation “acc.” or “unacc.,” the abbreviation is recorded in subfield $m. The abbreviation, “unacc.” is recorded in subfield $t when it is not an addition to a statement of medium. When a phrase such as “pianos (2),” “4 hands,” etc., follows a collective uniform title for a specific medium of performance, it is included in subfield $t.
Additional examples are under the descriptions of subfields $o and $r.
$n - Number of part/section of a work
Number designation for a part/section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading. Numbering is defined as an indication of sequencing in any form (e.g., Part 1, Supplement A, Book two). In music titles, the serial, opus, or thematic index number is contained in subfield $n.
100 | 1#$aCrisp, Thomas,$d17th cent.$tBabel's-builders unmask't.$nPart 1 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aOvid,$d43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.$tArs amatoria.$nLiber 1.$lEnglish | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aTolkien, J. R. R.$q(John Roland Reuel),$d1892-1973.$tTwo Towers [Part/section is both numbered and named.] |
400 | 1#$wnnaa$aHindemith, Paul,$d1895-1963.$tSonata,$mpiano, 4 hands$n(1938) [Parenthetical date in music titles is a part/section of a work.] |
400 | 1#$aHindemith, Paul,$d1895-1963.$tVierhaendige Sonata fuer zwei Klaviere, 1938 [Date is not a part/section number.] |
Multiple alternative numberings for a part/section (usually separated by commas) are contained in a single subfield $n.
400 | 1#$aMendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix,$d1809-1847.$tQuartets,$mstrings,$nno. 7, op. 81 |
Numbering that indicates a subpart to the first noted part/section (usually separated by a period) is contained in a separate subfield $n.
400 | 1#$aHindemith, Paul,$d1895-1963.$tPieces,$mstring orchestra,$nop. 44.$nNo. 4 |
$o - Arranged statement for music
Abbreviation arr. used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aTelemann, Georg Philipp,$d1681-1767.$tSonatas,$mflutes (2),$nop. 5;$oarr. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSchubert, Franz,$d1797-1828.$tSongs.$kSelections;$oarr. |
Subfield $o is not used for an arranged statement in a title page title used in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,$d1756-1791.$tZauberflöte.$kSelections;$oarr. | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,$d1756-1791.$tDuetts, for 2 violins or flutes, arr. from the celebrated opera Zauberflöte |
$p - Name of part/section of a work
Name designation of a part or section of a work used with a title in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aHindemith, Paul,$d1895-1963.$tNobilissima visione.$pMeditation | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aPraetorius, Hieronymus,$d1560-1629.$tOpus musicum.$pCantiones sacrae.$pO vos omnes | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aDebussy, Claude,$d1862-1918.$tPreludes,$mpiano,$nbook 1,$pCollines d'Anacapri [Part/section is both numbered and named.] |
$q - Fuller form of name
More complete form of the name that is in subfield $a.
100 | 1#$aKalashnikov, S. D.$q(Sergei Dmitrievich) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aCurien, P.-L.$q(Pierre-Louis) | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aClaudius$q(Claudius Ceccon) |
$r - Key for music
Statement of key used in a uniform title for a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aBeethoven, Ludwig van,$d1770-1827.$tSonatas,$mpiano,$nno. 13, op. 27, no. 1,$rE major |
Not used for a music key in a title page title used in a name/title heading.
100 | 10$aSchubert, Franz,$d1797-1828.$tSymphonies,$nD. 589$rC major | ||||||||
400 | 10$aSchubert, Franz,$d1797-1828.$tPetite symphonie en ut majeur [Title page title] |
$s - Version
Version, edition, etc., information used with a title of a work in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aKelly, Michael,$d1762-1826.$tPizarro.$sVocal score | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aRaimon,$d1940-$tSongs.$sTexts.$lSpanish & Catalan.$kSelections |
$t - Title of a work
Title by which an item or a series is identified in a name/title heading.
100 | 1#$aLaw, Felicia.$tWays we move | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aLaw, Felicia.$tGetting around! | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aIhara, Saikaku,$d1642-1693.$tSelections.$f1978 | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aSatprem,$d1923-$tGenèse du surhomme.$lEnglish | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aLeonardo,$cda Vinci,$d1452-1519.$tLast Supper | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aLewis, C. S.$q(Clive Staples),$d1898-1963.$tChronicles of Narnia (Collier) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aHoff, B. J.$q(Brenda Jane).$tDalton saga | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMozart, Wolfgang Amadeus,$d1756-1791.$tPiano music, pianos (2) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aDonizetti, Gaetano,$d1797-1848.$tPiano music, 4 hands |
Additional examples are under the descriptions of subfields $e, $f, $k, $l, $m, $n, $o, $p, and $r.
$v - Form subdivision
Designates a specific kind or genre of material as defined by the thesaurus being used. Subfield $v is appropriate only when a form subject subdivision is added to a personal name heading to form an extended subject heading. Subfield $v is used for form terms when they function as indicated above; the terms are coded in subfield $x if they function as general subdivisions.
100 | 0#$aGautama Buddha$vEarly works to 1800 | ||||||||
100 | 3#$aClark family$vFiction |
$w - Control subfield [400/500/700]
Codes in one or more character positions defined to control the display of information and specify relationships, restrictions, and status. Subfield $w is appropriate only in field 400, 500, and 700. Character position definitions and guidelines for applying the codes defined for subfield $w in field 400 and 500 are provided in the Tracings and References-General Information section. Character position definitions and guidelines for field 700 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.
$x - General subdivision
Subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield $v (Form subdivision), subfield $y (Chronological subdivision), or subfield $z (Geographic subdivision). Subfield $x is appropriate in the X00 fields only when a topical subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
100 | 1#$aBrunhoff, Jean de,$d1899-1937$xCharacters$xBabar | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aTatlin, Vladimir Evgrafovich,$d1885-1953.$tMonument to the Third International$xCopying |
100 | 0#$aNapoleon$bI,$cEmperor of the French,$d1769-1821$xAssassination attempt, 1800 (December 24) | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aWashington, George,$d1732-1799$xExpedition, 1753-1754 |
$y - Chronological subdivision
Subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Subfield $y is appropriate in the X00 fields only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
100 | 1#$aShakespeare, William,$d1564-1616$xCriticism and interpretation$xHistory$y18th century |
$z - Geographic subdivision
Appropriate in the X00 fields only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a name or name/title heading to form an extended subject heading.
100 | 0#$aFrederick$bII,$cHoly Roman Emperor,$d1194-1250$xHomes and haunts$zItaly |
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number [500/700]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
700 | 1#$wa$aDostoyevsky, Fyodor,$d1821-1881.$tCrime and punishment$0(DLC)sj##96005302 |
$1 - Real World Object URI [500/700]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$2 - Source of heading or term [700]
Code that identifies the source of a heading or term when the second indicator position contains value 7. Subfield $2 is appropriate only in field 700. Guidelines for applying subfield $2 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries—General Information section.
$4 - Relationship [400/500/700]
Code or URI that specifies the relationship from the entity described in the record to the entity referenced in the field. Guidelines for using subfield $4 in fields 400 and 500 are provided in the Tracings and References-General Information section. Guidelines for using subfield $4 in field 700 are provided in the 7XX Heading Linking Entries-General Information section.
500 | 1#$wr$iBased on (work)$4$aShakespeare, William,$d1564-1616$tHamlet$0 |
$5 - Institution to which field applies [400/500/700]
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$7 - Data provenance
See description of this subfield in Appendix H: Data Provenance Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Ambiguous Headings - See Appendix D: Ambiguous Headings.
Punctuation - Punctuation of the subelements of a heading is generally dictated by descriptive cataloging or subject heading system/thesaurus rules. These input conventions clarify MARC punctuation practices. An X00 field does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation, an initial/letter, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation.
100 | 1#$aTomlinson, Bridget | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aMarmontel, Jean François,$d1723-1799 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aZweig, Martin.$tWinning on Wall Street | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aCarter, Elliott,$d1908-$tSuites,$msaxophones (4) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aPond, Samuel W.$q(Samuel William) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aDance, Daryl Cumber.$tShuckin' and jivin' | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aDorst, Tankred.$tWerkausgabe.$f1985 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSloane, Eugene A. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aTrotignon, Yves.$tXXe siecle en U.R.S.S. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSienkiewicz, Henryk,$d1846-1916.$tQuo vadis? | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aKelterborn, Rudolf,$d1931- | ||||||||
400 | 1#$aAshkenazi, Shemu el Yafeh,$d16th cent. |
Name portion of a name/title field ends with a mark of punctuation. The mark of punctuation is placed inside a closing quotation mark.
100 | 1#$aRavel, Maurice,$d1875-1937.$tSelections;$oarr. | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aThomas$c(Anglo-Norman poet).$tRoman de Tristan.$lEnglish | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aChristo,$d1935-$tSurrounded islands | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aDemetrius,$cof Phaleron,$db. 350 B.C.$tDe elocutione.$lRussian |
Name or title portion followed by a subject subdivision does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the name or title portion ends with an abbreviation, initial/letter, or open date.
100 | 1#$aSavoskin, Anatolij Nikolajev$xBibliography | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aTatlin, Vladimir Evgrafovich,$d1885-1953.$tMonument to the Third International$xCopying | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aCapote, Truman,$d1924-$xCriticism and interpretation | ||||||||
100 | 0#$aAlexander,$cthe Great,$d356-323 B.C.$xArt |
Spacing - Adjacent personal name initials/letters or an abbreviation for a name and an adjacent name or initial/letter are separated by one space.
100 | 1#$aHyatt, J. B. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aFlam, F. A.$q(Floyd A.) | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aEnschedé, Ch. J. | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aGorbanev, R. V.$q(Rostislav Vasil´evich) |
No spaces are used in initials/letters that do not represent personal names.
100 | 0#$aCuthbert,$cFather, O.S.F.C.,$d1866-1939 | ||||||||
100 | 1#$aSharma, S. K.,$cM.P.H. |
Abbreviations consisting of more than a single letter are separated from preceding and succeeding words or initials/letters by one space.
100 | 1#$aBrown, G. B.,$cPh. D. |
Display Constant
- | [dash associated with the content of subfield $x, $y, or $z] |
Dash (-) that precedes a subject subdivision in an extended subject heading is not carried in the machine-readable record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfields $x, $y, and $z.
The values were: 0-9 (Number of nonfiling characters present).
In 2014, subfield $g was made repeatable.
Subfield $s was made repeatable.
Subfield $4 was renamed and redescribed to allow for the recording of relationship URIs in addition to MARC and non-MARC codes.