
The Library is about making connections! We work with organizations across the country to connect educators with our collections and expertise. In addition to our partners from the Teaching with Primary Sources partnership program, we collaborate with organizations on publications and interactive projects, as well as contributing to the national conversation on education.
We publish articles and essays in a number of educational journals and magazines.
- Social Education External - The National Council for the Social Studies
- The Science Teacher External - National Science Teaching Association
- Music Educators Journal External - National Association for Music Education
- Idea Book for Educators from HISTORY External
- NHD Theme BookExternal - National History Day
Civics Interactives
The Congress, Civic Participation, and Primary Sources Projects provide young people with engaging and meaningful opportunities to learn about Congress and civic participation using primary sources from the Library’s online collections.
Read more about civics interactives
National History Day Prize
Sponsored by the Library of Congress, the Discovery or Exploration in History prize is awarded in the junior and senior divisions for an outstanding project in any category on American or international discovery or exploration. The Elizabeth Ridgway fund was established in memory of Ms. Ridgway, Library of Congress Education Outreach Director, for her passion for history, students, education, and the Library of Congress.
Read more about the National History Day prize External
Friends' Choice Civics Video Game Challenge Winners
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Library of Congress Friends' Choice Civics Video Game Challenge! Click on the links below to play the winning games on your laptop or desktop.
- Duck DutyExternal - First Place
- TownspringsExternal - Second Place
- Pillars of PersuasionExternal - Third Place
Conversation Partners
We work with organizations small and large to exchange ideas, create projects, and advance education. A few examples include: