Web Archiving Collaborations
International Internet Preservation Consortium
The Library of Congress is a founding member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium External and actively participates in leadership, working groups, and collaborative web archive activities with partners within the United States and from around the world.
Federal Government Web Archiving Interest Group
The Federal Web Archiving Interest GroupExternal is a multi-agency collaboration seeking to promote best practices in U.S. government Federal agency website preservation.
Digital Preservation Coalition
The Library of Congress is a full member of the Digital Preservation Coalition and actively participates in a variety of ways, including by contributing to the Web Archiving & Preservation Working Group.
End of Term Archive
The Library helps lead an effort to document changes in U.S. Government during transitions between presidential administrations. Results of this effort are hosted at https://eotarchive.org/. Read more about the activity in blog posts on The Signal.
Collaborative Collecting
In addition to building its own web archive collections, the Library of Congress also collaborates with other organizations to document events unfolding on the web in the United States and around the world. In most cases, access is provided through partner organizations. Library staff have contributed to the following collaborative archives:
- Ukraine Conflict External with Archive-It and the National Library of France
- North Africa & the Middle East 2011 External with Archive-It and the National Library of France
- Japanese Earthquake External with Virginia Tech, Archive-It, and the Diet Library
- Jasmine Revolution – Tunisia 2011 External with Archive-It and the National Library of France
- Hurricane Katrina and Rita web archive External with the Internet Archive and the California Digital Library
- IIPC Collaborative Collections External with International Internet Preservation Consortium members