We are here to help you identify and request materials and discover the vast collections housed throughout our general and specialized reading rooms and research centers. Anyone 16 years or older can come in to use the Library and its collections (how to obtain a Library Card). We invite you to explore our resources, both online and at the Library.
General Scanning & Copying The Library provides photocopying and printing options in most, but not all research centers. Each research center maintains their own policies regarding the use of personal laptops, scanners, and digital cameras, including any restrictions.
Duplication Services Duplication Services provides access to the collections of the Library of Congress through the provision of multiple reproduction formats and copy options for a fee.
Interlibrary Loan Welcome to Interlibrary Loan at the Library of Congress! Interlibrary loan (or ILL) is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. At the Library of Congress, we loan our materials out to other libraries/institutions so you can use our collections when you can't travel to visit us in person. Any domestic or international academic, public, or…
Requesting Materials The Library of Congress is a "closed stack" library. A small number of general reference works are available in each reading room's reference collection, but all other materials must be requested from the closed stacks.
Upcoming Courses & Workshops We host free courses and workshops designed to help you explore the Library’s collections, including introductions to researching general topics and themes to deep dives into specific collections. These programs cater to users of all levels of research experience and interest. Programs include virtual and in-person presentations, classes, symposia, and research orientations, many of which are open to the public. Upcoming courses and workshops…
Past Courses & Workshops Did you miss a past workshop? Want to rewatch a lecture hosted by the Library of Congress? Recordings of past events, including lectures, book talks, topical presentations, and research orientations are available for you to browse. Ranging from introductions to researching general topics and themes to deep dives into specific collections these programs cater to users of all levels of research experience and interest.…