Library of Congress >> Standards


Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages
Part 5: Alpha-3 code for language families and groups

Change Notice

Date Code Reason
2013-02-11 bih Update
2009-02-19 day Creation
2009-02-18 car Deletion
2009-02-17 sal Name change, French only (from salish, langues)
2009-02-17 sai Name change, French only (from indiennes d'Amérique du Sud and autres langues indiennes d'Amérique du Sud, langues)
2009-02-17 cpf Name change, French only (from créoles et pidgins français, autres and créoles et pidgins français)
2009-02-17 cpe Name change, French only (from créoles et pidgins anglais, autres and créoles et pidgins anglais)
2009-02-17 pra Name change, French only (from prâkrits, langues)
2009-02-17 paa Hierarchy changed to paa from ngf : paa
2009-02-17 cpp Name change, French only (from créoles et pidgins portugais autres and créoles et pidgins portugais)
2009-02-17 ngf Hierarchy changes to paa : ngf from ngf : paa. Name change, English (from Trans New Guinea). Name change, French (from trans Nouvelle Guinée).
2009-02-17 nai Name change, French only (from indiennes d'Amérique du Nord and autres langues indiennes d'Amérique du Nord, langues)
2009-02-17 wak Name change, French only (from wakashennes, langues)
2009-02-17 myn Name change, French only (from mayas, langues)
2009-02-17 cel Name change and name addition, French only (from celtiques, autres langues and celtiques, langues)
2009-02-17 apa Name change, French only (from apache, langues)
2009-02-17 bnt Name change, French only (from bantoues, autres langues and bantoues, langues)
2009-02-17 cai Name change, French only (from indiennes d'Amérique centrale, autres lang and indiennes d'Amérique centrale, langues)
2009-02-17 bat Name change, French only (from baltiques, autres langues and baltiques, langues)


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