MARC XML Architecture
The Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office is
developing a framework for working with MARC data in an XML environment.
This framework is intended to be flexible and extensible to allow users
to work with MARC data in ways specific to their needs. The framework will
contain many components such as schemas, stylesheets, and software tools
developed and maintained by the Library of Congress.
MARC 21 (2709) to/from MARC 21 (XML) Conversion
- These tools convert MARC data between MARC (2709) and MARC (XML) structures. The conversion is lossless.
- The core piece of the MARC XML framework is the simple and flexible
MARC XML schema that can carry MARC data and provides a common format
for writing MARC XML Consumers
MARC XML Consumers
MARC XML records may be used in "native" MARC XML form. Otherwise,
the consumers of MARC XML records tend to fall into three categories:
transformation, presentation, and analysis.
- Transformation is the conversion between MARC XML and other metadata formats.
- Presentation is the display and/or mark up of MARC data into some
readable form.
- Analysis is the processing of MARC data to produce analytical output such as validation.