The Dewey Program at the Library of Congress has a threefold mission – to develop, apply, and assist in the use of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Since 1930, the Library of Congress has been adding Dewey numbers to many of its bibliographic records. In this way, the Dewey Program supports the nation’s libraries, especially public and school libraries, as well as many foreign libraries that classify their collections according to DDC. The Dewey Program assigns Dewey numbers to a large range of monographic and serial titles in English and Western European languages and participates fully in the Library’s Cataloging in Publication Program.
The Dewey Program maintains an editorial office through a cooperative arrangement with OCLC so that classifiers can consult the editors on new and emerging literature and discuss the best way to classify this material.
Library of Congress
Dewey Program
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-4284
Tel.: (202) 707-3317
Fax: (202) 707-0279
Email: [email protected]