Classification Web - Library of Congress

Quick Start Tutorial

[ Introduction ] [ Getting Started ] [ Searching ] [ Enhanced Browser ] [ Hierarchy Browser ]
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[ Subject Headings ] [LC/Dewey Correlations ] [ CLASSIFICATION WEB Main Menu ]

Using the Hierarchy Browser

The hierarchy browser in Class Web enables you to view LCC at any level of the hierarchy from the most general to the most specific. Using this browser, you can get an overview of the layout of an entire classification schedule and, with a succession of clicks, display more and more specific breakdowns of the schedule. It also builds on the enhanced browser by calculating more specific numbers.

From the Class Plus Main Menu screen, click on Extended Menu. Then click on Hierarchy Classification Browser. In the Class # input field, type t and click Go. Class Web displays Class T at the highest level of the hierarchy, showing each of the major subclasses:

First-Level Hierarchical Display

of Class T

Notice that in the hierarchy frame at the top of the page only one level of hierarchy is shown.

By clicking on any caption, you can break down that caption to the next level of its hierarchy. Click on the caption Hydraulic engineering at TC1-1800.

Second-Level Hierarchical Display of


Notice that the caption is broken down to the second level of its hierarchy and that two levels are now displayed in the hierarchy frame. Any caption that appears as a hot link may be further broken down to its next level of hierarchy by clicking on it. When you have reached the lowest level of a hierarchy, the caption is no longer displayed as a hot link.

You can also go upward in a hierarchy by clicking on the desired level in the hierarchy frame. For example, if you click on Hydraulic engineering in the hierarchy frame, Class Web returns you to the first-level hierarchy breakdown.

Like the enhanced browser, the hierarchy browser calculates numbers and displays captions taken from tables if you click on any number or number span where a table subarrangement is specified. (See the "Enhanced Browser" chapter of this tutorial for further information.)

The hierarchy browser is especially effective when used with classification schedules that include lengthy tables of geographic breakdowns, such as Class H and Class N. The numbers for special topics in specific countries can be located with just a few clicks, avoiding the need to page through several screens of data.

In the Class # input field, type ND1801- and click Go. (As with the enhanced browser, if you want to display a span of numbers rather than a calculated single number, it is advisable to include a hyphen after the number that you type in the input field; otherwise Class Web will automatically break down the span into its individual numbers).

Display of ND1801-2094.5

To locate the number for watercolor painting in India, first click on the caption Special countries at ND1801-2094.5.

Display of special countries
breakdown for ND1801-2094.5

Click on the caption Asia. The Orient at ND2037-2079.

Display of breakdown for Asia

Click on the caption Southern Asia at ND2046-2051.6.

Display of breakdown for Southern

The numbers for watercolor painting in India are displayed as ND2047-2049. To view the breakdown of this span, click on the caption India. The breakdown for watercolor painting in India is now displayed.

Display breakdown for watercolor
painting in India

When the hierarchy browser is used in areas of the classification schedules where table modifications apply, Class Web highlights the table modifications in yellow, as it does with the enhanced browser. For a detailed explanation of this, see Calculations Where Table Modifications Apply in the Enhanced Browser section of this tutorial.

[ Introduction ] [ Getting Started ] [ Searching ] [ Enhanced Browser ] [ Hierarchy Browser ]
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[ Subject Headings ] [LC/Dewey Correlations ] [ CLASSIFICATION WEB Main Menu ]

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Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (June 27, 2005)

Maintained by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office