Classification Web - Library of Congress

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LC/Dewey Correlations

Through the courtesy of a cooperative agreement with OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., LC/Dewey correlations became available in Classification Web in July 2004.

You can access this feature by selecting one of the two links that appear on the Main Menu screen:

LC Subject Heading and Dewey Decimal Classification Correlations. This enables you to enter a Dewey Decimal classification number and display a list of corresponding Library of Congress subject headings or to input a Library of Congress subject heading and display a list of corresponding Dewey Decimal classification numbers.
LC Classification & Dewey Decimal Classification Correlations. This enables you to enter a Library of Congress classification number and display a list of corresponding Dewey Decimal classification numbers, or vice versa.

These correlations are derived from LC bibliographic records and they represent actual instances where specific publications have received the same Dewey Decimal classification number and LC classification number or Dewey Decimal number and LC subject heading. Users should be aware that these correlations are only as accurate as the LC cataloging records underlying the correlation (some LC cataloging reflects earlier cataloging policy) but the correlations provide an excellent starting point locating relevant classification numbers and subject headings.

Subscribers to OCLC's WebDewey service can also link between products to obtain the most up-to-date Dewey Decimal classification data. For information on how to subscribe to WebDewey, check OCLC's Web site at (Dewey and WebDewey are registered trademarks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.)

Advantages for LC-Classifying Libraries

Sometimes if you are using cataloging copy from another institution or older, local cataloging, you may have only a Dewey Decimal classification number to work with. Using the LC Classification & Dewey Classification Correlations you can find equivalent Dewey Decimal numbers as they were applied to LC bibliographic records.

To use this feature click on the LC Classification & Dewey Classification Correlations link on the Classification Web Main Menu screen. This opens the search window:

Search Screen for LC Classification/Dewey Classification Correlations

Type the Dewey Decimal classification number 995 in the field labeled Dewey� Decimal classification number, and click the Find button next to that box. The following screen appears:

Results Screen for Search of Dewey Decimal Classification Number 995

The screen above is the results display of the correlation search. There are several things to note. The first is the list of classification numbers below 995. These are LC classification numbers that have been applied to the same LC bibliographic record as the 995 Dewey Decimal classification number. The numbers in parentheses next to each LC classification number represent the number of times that LC class number has been applied to the same record as the Dewey Decimal number. This is useful in identifying the preponderance of parallel usage.

You should also note the associated hot links. If you click on DU29 you will be linked to that number in the LC classification schedules. This allows you to check the current usage of the class number. If you click on B to the right of DU29 you will be taken to the bibliographic links page where you can view the application of the DU29 class number in the LC catalog or in other catalogs. Clicking on D reverses the LC/Dewey Decimal correlation and displays a screen showing lists of Dewey Decimal numbers associated with that LC classification number.

Using the LC Classification & Dewey Classification Correlation can also help you locate appropriate LC subject headings related to the LC class numbers displayed on the results screen. If you click on L next to a classification number in the screen above, you will be taken to a browse display of the LC subject headings starting with the closest subject heading that has a specifically coded LC classification link. (About 1/3 of LC subject headings records have coded links.) If you click on S, you will be taken to an LC subject heading correlations screen for that particular LC class number.

Clicking on L and S beside DU29 brings up the following displays:

Display of the Subject Heading 'Pan-Pacific relations'

LC Subject Heading Correlations for DU29

Access from the Classification Browse Screen

On the Classification Browse screen, the letter D appears beside each LC classifiation caption (see below). If you click on that link, an LC classification-to-Dewey Decimal classification correlation search runs automatically.

Classification Browse Screen Showing 'D' Link

Advantages for Dewey Decimal-Classifying Libraries

Dewey Decimal-classifying libraries are in a position to take full advantage of both the LC/Dewey correlation options. It would be valuable to you to find correlations between LC classification and Dewey Decimal classification numbers as well as correlations between LC subject headings and Dewey Decimal classification numbers.

Using the LC Classification & Dewey Decimal Number Correlations

In line with the first example for LC-classifying libraries, your interest would be in using the LC Classification & Dewey Number Correlation in reverse. For example, you may have cataloging copy or old local records that include only the LC classification and you would like to get an idea of possible corresponding Dewey Decimal classification numbers. To do this, click on the LC Classification & Dewey Classification Correlation link on the Class Web Main Menu screen. This brings up the search window:

Search Screen for LC Classification/Dewey Classification Correlations

Type LC classification number HD50 in the field labeled Library of Congress classification number and click the Find button beside that box.

Results Screen for Search of LC Classification Number HD50

The screen above is the results display for the correlation search. There are several things to note. The first is the list of Dewey Decimal classification numbers below HD56. These are Dewey Decimal classification numbers that have been applied to the same LC bibliographic record as the HD56 LC classification number. The numbers in parentheses beside each Dewey Decimal number represent the number of times that Dewey Decimal class number has been applied to the same record as the LC classification. This helps to identify the preponderance of parallel usage.

Caution: You should be careful to check an associated Dewey Decimal classification number against Dewey Decimal classification documentation before you use it. These correlations are based on cataloging records that may not represent current usage. Subscribers to OCLC�s WebDewey product can click on the WebDewey link at the bottom of the Correlations search screen. If you are not a WebDewey subscriber, you should check the latest Dewey Decimal Classification print documentation.

Using the LC Subject Headings & Dewey Decimal Classification Correlations

While cataloging you may also want to know which LC subject headings have been associated with a specific Dewey Decimal classification number in LC cataloging records. This can provide you with valuable assistance in identifying the most appropriate subject heading for your particular publication.

To do this, click on the LC Subject Headings & Dewey Classification Correlations link on the Class Web Menu screen. This brings up the search window:

Search Screen for LC Subject Headings/Dewey Classification Correlations

Type the Dewey Decimal classification number 995 in the field labeled Dewey� Decimal classification number and click on the Find button beside that box. The following screen appears:

Results Screen for Search of Dewey Classification Number 995

This is the results display for the correlation search. There are several things to note. The first is the list of LC subject headings below 995. These are the LC subject headings that have been applied to the same LC bibliographic record as has the 995 Dewey Decimal classification number. The numbers in parentheses beside each LC classification number represents the number of times that subject heading has been applied to that same record. This is useful in identifying the preponderance of parallel usage.

Also note the associated hot links. If you click on the L beside Oceania you will be taken to a browse display of the LC subject headings:

Display of the Subject Heading 'Oceania'

This allows you to check the current usage of that heading.

If you click on D beside Oceania you will get the reverse LC/Dewey Decimal correlation, listing the full range of Dewey Decimal classification numbers that have been used with that subject heading:

Dewey Decimal Classification Number Correlations for the Subject Heading 'Oceania'

If you click on S, correlations between that LC subject heading and LC classification numbers will be displayed:

LC Classification Number Correlations for the Subject Heading 'Oceania'

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Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (December 16, 2004)

Maintained by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office