E[superscript]a I ii
- …But you have changed your works,
- [and have not done according to his command, and tran]sgressed against him; (and have spoken) haughty and harsh words, with your impure mouths,
- [against his majesty, for your heart is hard]. You will have no peace.
En[superscript]a I iii
- [They (the leaders) and all … of them took for themselves]
- wives from all that they chose and [they began to cohabit with them and to defile themselves with them];
- and to teach them sorcery and [spells and the cutting of roots; and to acquaint them with herbs.]
- And they become pregnant by them and bo[re (great) giants three thousand cubits high …]
Transcription by J. T. Milik, amended by J. C. Greenfield; translation by J. C. Greenfield