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About this Item


  • Sbor podatei.

Translated Title

  • Tax collection.


  • This painting is from an album of 32 original watercolors by the Tobol'sk artist M.S. Znamenskii is from the library of Tsar Nicholas II. The album was obtained for him in 1894 for 800 rubles following the death of the artist. Znamenskii painted the watercolors over a number of years and collected them in a birch-bark covered binding under the title "From Tobol'sk to Obdorsk." The subjects include scenes from Tobol'sk, Berezov, Obdorsk (present-day Salekhard), and other localities in Tobol'sk Province; the different ethnic groups living in this region of Siberia (Russians, Tatars, Ostiaks, Samoyeds); scenes of everyday life and work; as well as several historical themes, including the "Conquest of Siberia" and "Siberia as a Place of Exile." World Digital Library.


  • Znamenskiĭ, M. S. (Mikhail Stepanovich), 1833-1892, creator.

Created / Published

  • [place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1862-1887]


  • -  Ethnic groups
  • -  Manners and customs
  • -  Siberia
  • -  Russian Federation
  • -  Tyumen Oblast
  • -  Yamalo-Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug


  • -  Al'bom iz biblioteki imperatora Nikolaia II, priobreten dlia nee v 1894 godu za 800 rublei posle smerti khudozhnika. Seriia akvarelei, sozdannykh vo vtoroi polovine XIX veka tobol'skim khudozhnikom M.S. Znamenskim. Znamenskii zapechatlel v nikh to, chto sam videl, ob"ezdiv ogromnuiu Tobol'skuiu guberniiu, to, chto khorosho predstavlial po rasskazam ochevidtsev, nakonets to, o chem uznal iz legend. Al'bom soderzhit izobrazheniia Tobol'ska, Berezova, Obdorska (nyne Salekhard) i drugikh mestnostei, a takzhe izobrazheniia zhitelei dannogo sibirskogo kraia (russkikh, tatar, ostiakov, samoedov), ikh byta, zaniatii i ikh vzaimootnoshenii s ofitsial'noi vlast'iu (sbor podatei, prinesenie prisiagi i dr.). Ne oboshel khudozhnik takzhe temy "Pokorenie Sibiri" i "Sibir' kak mesto ssylki".Sozdannye v raznye gody akvareli khudozhnik ob"edinil nazvaniem "Ot Tobol'ska do Obdorska", pomestiv ikh v papku, kryshki kotoroi pokryty berestoi.
  • -  Bound in birch bark, this is a splendid work of art containing original watercolors of landscapes, portraits, folk costume, housing for the Decembrists living in Tobol'sk, etc.
  • -  Taxes for Siberia were set as 86 kopecks per person in the middle of the 19th century.
  • -  Original image at: Russian State Library
  • -  From the photo album "От Тобольска до Обдорска."


  • 1 sheet of original watercolor.

Source Collection

  • From Tobol'sk to Obdorsk

Digital Id

Library of Congress Control Number

  • 2018758308

Online Format

  • image

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IIIF Presentation Manifest

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Citations are generated automatically from bibliographic data as a convenience, and may not be complete or accurate.

Chicago citation style:

Znamenskiĭ, M. S. , Creator. Sbor Podatei. Yamalo Russian Federation Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug Tyumen Oblast, 1862. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, to 1887] Photograph.

APA citation style:

Znamenskiĭ, M. S. (1862) Sbor Podatei. Yamalo Russian Federation Nenetskiy Autonomous Okrug Tyumen Oblast, 1862. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, to 1887] [Photograph] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

MLA citation style:

Znamenskiĭ, M. S. , Creator. Sbor Podatei. [Place of Publication Not Identified: Publisher Not Identified, to 1887] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.