
  • Resources for Parents of Blind and Low-Vision Children - This guide lists resources for parents of children who are blind or low vision. In it, you will find an explanation of terms parents should know when raising children with visual disabilities, support organizations for parents, where to find accessible reading materials, sports and athletic organizations for blind and low-vision athletes, games, camps, federal and state government agencies, and laws pertaining to the education of blind and low-vision children.
  • Resources for Senior Citizens and Their Families - Listed in this reference guide are resources to assist adults over the age of 55 with disabilities, as well as their caregivers, in handling new physical, psychological, and financial challenges.
  • Braille Literacy: Resources for Learning and Reading - This reference guide covers a broad scope of resources for learning braille. Part One lists resources by the age of the prospective learner. Part Two lists resources for braille transcribers and teachers, covering literary braille, music, international language, and scientific notations. Part Three is a bibliography that includes citations from the fields of education, psychology, neurology, and computer science. Lastly, Part Four lists organizations that offer braille instruction, referrals, and other resources.
  • Resources on Blindness and Disabilities Available on the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) Service - This reference guide lists, by topic, audio and electronic braille books on the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) web service that are related to blindness and other disabilities. BARD is a password-protected download service of NLS that provides access to thousands of books, magazines, and music scores. 
  • Reference Guides list - A list of resources compiling current information on many topics of interest to NLS readers, those who provide services to them, and other interested parties.
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