Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > CONSER > CONSER BIBFRAME Task Group


An overall goal for forming the group is to involve the continuing resources community in the development of cooperative linked data initiatives. The group will monitor and contribute to discussions on the development of BIBFRAME and other vocabularies from a continuing resources perspective. The group will identify potential cooperative projects for the BIBFRAME Implementation Testbed. The group is an ongoing committee, members have one-year renewable terms.


  1. Monitor and formulate responses to BIBFRAME vocabulary draft specifications posted, especially those that concern continuing resources and PCC issues. Monitor discussions on the BIBFRAME listserv for continuing resource questions and issues
    Time frame: November 2015-
    Owners: Xiaoli Li, Steven Riel
    Group members: UCLA Study Group (lead, Kevin Balster)
  2. Collaborate on refining CONSER Standard Record (CSR) mappings to BIBFRAME being used by institutions involved in BIBFRAME pilots.
    Time frame: Fall 2015-
    Owners: Tina Shrader, Xiaoli Li
    Group members: Mary Jane Cuneo, Robert Rendall, UCLA Study Group (leads, Valerie Bross & Kevin Balster)
  3. Explore other vocabularies to enhance CSR/BIBFRAME, beginning with PRESSoo. The group should also consider the relationship of CSR/BIBFRAME to the extensions.
    Time frame: Fall 2015-
    Owners: Regina Reynolds, Jacquie Samples, Ed Jones
    Group members: Adolfo Tarango, UCLA Study Group (lead, Valerie Bross)
  4. Conduct CONSER and/or PCC wide webinars, email list discussions, and polls as needed to get feedback. Who: All task group members suggest webinars, list discussions and polls and can volunteer to lead these activities.
    Time frame: Fall 2015- (as needed)
    Group members: All task group members and consultants
  5. Identify potential continuing resources projects to register with the BIBFRAME Implementation Testbed or other testbeds. (
    Time frame: January 2016-
    Group members: All task group members and consultants
  6. As appropriate, share suggestions for projects, policy proposals and other ideas with the PCC Policy Committees and the PCC standing committees via CONSER Coordinator.
    Time frame: January 2016-
    Group members: All task group members and consultants

Chain of Reporting:

CONSER Operations Committee and the PCC Policy Committee.

  • Ad-hoc webinars and email list discussions when needed for consultation with PCC members
  • Summary of activities reports for CONSER Operations Committee meetings in May of each year and the PCC Policy Committee in November of each year

Task Group Members:

  • Kevin Balster (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Robert Bremer (OCLC)
  • Valerie Bross (University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Mary Jane Cuneo (Harvard University)
  • Les Hawkins (Library of Congress)
  • Ed Jones (National University, PCC Standing Committee on Standards)
  • Xiaoli Li (University of California, Davis)
  • Shana McDanold (Georgetown University, PCC Standing Committee on Automation)
  • Hien Nguyen (Library of Congress)
  • Robert Rendall (Columbia University)
  • Regina Reynolds (US ISSN Center, Library of Congress)
  • Steven Riel (Harvard University)
  • Jacquie Samples (Duke University, CONSER PoCo Representative)
  • Tina Shrader (National Library of Medicine)
  • Adolfo Tarango (University of California, San Diego)
  • UCLA Study Group (leads, Valerie Bross & Kevin Balster)

Meeting Notes:


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