Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > CONSER > Summit on Serials in the Digital Environment

CONSER: Cooperative Online Serials - Summit on serials in the digital environmentMarch 18-19, 2004
(March 18: 8:00-5:00, March 19: 8:00-3:00)
Holiday Inn Select, Alexandria, VA

The CONSER Summit will bring together members of the serials industry and the library community to determine the future needs for bibliographic and holdings data in the management of electronic serials. The conference is limited to sixty participants and participation is by invitation. The Summit will:

  • Identify trends and future directions in publishing and aggregation of serials.
  • Determine the types of data that are needed for users to find, identify, select and obtain electronic serials at the journal, issue and article levels. Determine also the types of data needed (by libraries and others) to sustain the business practices of providing access to serials (acquiring, licensing, paying, auditing, rights management, archiving).
  • Determine the most effective means for providing this data as well as what processes are used to trigger its creation and maintenance.
  • Determine the role of CONSER and the shared bibliographic record.