Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > NACO > About

What is NACO?

Through this program, participants contribute authority records for personal, corporate, and jurisdictional names, uniform titles, and series to the LC/NACO Authority File. Membership in NACO is open to individual institutions willing to support their staff through a process of training, review, and direct contributions of records to the LC/NACO Name Authority File. NACO participants also make changes to existing records within certain parameters.

Institutions exercise this membership in a number of ways. Some possess sufficient resources to maintain individual PCC membership through defined numbers of record contributions for each program. In NACO, this means 200 authority records each year for large institutions and 100 for smaller members. Institutions unable to maintain such production requirements, or work in specialized fields, form NACO funnels to pool resources, expertise, and total contributions.

NACO Program Parameters

Participants agree to follow a common set of standards and guidelines when creating or changing authority records in order to maintain the integrity of a large shared authority file. This results in a consistent and predictable file that will reduce the efforts of the global library community and maximize communal resources.

>>> Read More about NACO Parameters


The PCC affords participants a full course of specialized NACO training and review leading to institutional independence in name authority work. This training is currently offered sequentially in segments that amount to a five day workshop. During the training, guidelines are discussed and expanded upon with an emphasis on building a consistent and predictable file in a collaborative environment.

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