Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > SACO > SACO Funnels > FAST Funnel Project (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)


Janet Ashton
Western European Languages team manager
British Library
[email protected]

Jill Annitto
Head of Metadata and Editorial Operations
[email protected]


The FAST Policy and Outreach Committee established the FAST Funnel to support the development of the FAST vocabularies.  The Funnel provides a route by which new terms can be proposed for FAST or through which changes to existing terminology can be proposed.  Any member of the FAST user community may use the funnel.


The priority for the funnel is to prepare and submit SACO proposals on behalf of the FAST user community.  The funnel will particularly benefit those FAST users who do not use or are unfamiliar with Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).

The Funnel also provides a valuable source of information for the development of FAST and its evolving relationship with LCSH.

If you would like to participate in the Funnel or have questions about the Funnel please contact the Co-coordinators.


Please use the online FAST Funnel proposal form to submit your proposals.

We will respond to your proposal as quickly as possible, but please be aware that the funnel has limited resources. We may contact you in order to clarify the proposal. We will notify you when the proposal has been submitted to SACO and of the outcome.

It is important to note that the FAST Funnel does not provide a means of bypassing the LCSH Editorial process. Terms are proposed for inclusion in LCSH in order that they can be added to FAST.

Further information:

FAST: Subject terminology schema | OCLC

SACO (Subject Authority Cooperative Program)

Join FACETVOC-L, a listserv discussion of all Faceted Controlled Vocabularies. To subscribe, simply go to the Internet Subscription form and provide your information. To post messages, simply send an e-mail message to [email protected].