Looking for a specific book, or just browsing for the latest title by a favorite author or narrator? NLS wants to help you find the books you’re looking for in audio and braille.
The NLS Catalog of our extensive collection is the place to start. You can search by title, author, narrator, or subject, or by keywords that appear anywhere in a title or catalog listing. You can also sort your search results by newest to oldest. Many books in the catalog have links, so you can download them right away. And on BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download service), you can find lists of newly added books and—if you’re wondering what other NLS patrons are reading—the most popular downloads over the past 30 days.
Talking Book Topics (TBT) is a bimonthly magazine that highlights many of the latest audiobooks added to the NLS collection. TBTs are available on the TBT landing page in HTML and as a printable PDF. You can download TBT in audio from BARD and BARD Mobile or receive it by mail on audio cartridge with a magazine on cartridge subscription. Contact your network library for details. TBT is also available on NFB-NEWSLINE External.
Braille Book Review (BBR) is a bimonthly magazine that highlights most of the latest braille books added to the NLS collection. BBRs are available on the BBR landing page in HTML and ebraille (BRF). Patrons can also download BBR in ebraille from BARD and BARD Mobile or receive it by mail in hard-copy braille. (Contact your network library for details.) An abridged version of Talking Book Topics—with titles, authors, and book numbers—is also included in the braille edition of BBR.
International Language Quarterly spotlights NLS’s rapidly growing collection of audio and braille books in Spanish and more than 20 other languages ranging from Hebrew to Mandrin.
With hundreds of thousands of audio and braille books and magazines available from NLS, it may be hard to know where to start when searching. Looking for books on a specific subject or theme? NLS has dozens of curated lists of titles on a wide variety of topics: The Beatles, financial planning, Rosa Parks, container gardening, Native American stories, popular book series, and many more. There is also Collections Connections, a free email newsletter from the NLS Collection Development staff. Each month, Collections Connections highlights fiction and nonfiction titles—many of them new—focused on a timely theme. To sign up, send your name and email address to the Collection Connections team at [email protected]. You can unsubscribe yourself from the list at any time.
NLS also produces dozens of popular magazines in audio and braille, from titles on current events and tech tips to sports and celebrity news. We have magazines for children and teens too. Patrons can receive magazines through the mail on audio cartridge or hard-copy braille or download them in audio or ebraille from BARD and BARD Mobile.
Your local network library is the final word in finding—and requesting—the latest reading material. Find your library to connect with your reader advisor who is ready to help you.